A place for me to pour out my rants without clogging the inboxes of my friends and family. Also a place to give info on myself and Mary, our family news and events.
Rightwinger's Articles » Page 5
January 26, 2007 by Rightwinger
Fox's "24" started its new season with a group of Islamic terrorists attacking American cities, a series of attacks culminating with the detonation of a small nuclear bomb in LA. Arab groups are all up in a dither, mainly because a popular media outlet dares to use Muslims as villains. They're afraid the American people will become biased against them and their faith--Bu-wa-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA---ahem...sorry. Couldn't help that. What they're really afraid of, in my opinion, is that the American pe...
January 26, 2007 by Rightwinger
Another example, this time from DhimmiWatch. Ehh, you know....those Islam haters and bigots...they just love to tell you what else is going on. You know...stuff the media ignores. Yeah...Islam...peace, love, tolerance. My chubby white ass and all that.....----RW October 22, 2006 Muslims Attack Christians in Henno, Ethiopia The attackers were Muslim clerics. Islamic Tolerance Alert from AINA, with thanks to DFS: The Washington-DC based human rights group, International Christian ...
January 26, 2007 by Rightwinger
This is from JihadWatch, so I'm sure we can all just dismiss this as another example of blatant bigotry and propaganda. Can't we? "Religion of Peace" my chubby white ass.---RW December 01, 2006 Muslim Mob Kills Six Christians In Ethiopia An unprovoked attack during a midnight worship service. By Maria Mackay for Christian Today, with thanks to Twostellas: The US-based human rights group International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned a mob of 300 Muslims killed six Christian...
January 13, 2007 by Rightwinger
10. "Every Infidel Will Be Stoned"----("Everybody Must Get Stoned") 9. "Abu Grahib Prison Blues"----("Folsom Prison Blues") 8. "I Lob Rocks and Stones"----("I Love Rock and Roll") 7. "Back in a Black Burqha"----("Back in Black") 6. "Shout at the Great Satan"----("Shout at the Devil") 5. "I dropped the Bomb on DC"----("You dropped the Bomb on me") 4. "72 Redheaded Virgins"----("99 Red Balloons") 3. "For Those About to Throw Rocks---They Might Shoot You "----("For Those...
January 13, 2007 by Rightwinger
10. "Every Infidel Will Be Stoned"----("Everybody Must Get Stoned") 9. "Abu Grahib Prison Blues"----("Folsom Prison Blues") 8. "I Lob Rocks and Stones"----("I Love Rock and Roll") 7. "Back in a Black Burqha"----("Back in Black") 6. "Shout at the Great Satan"----("Shout at the Devil") 5. "I dropped the Bomb on DC"----("You dropped the Bomb on me") 4. "72 Redheaded Virgins"----("99 Red Balloons") 3. "For Those About to Throw Rocks---They Might Shoot You "----("For Those...
January 13, 2007 by Rightwinger
Now that I want them, I can't find these posts, or even the article, which may have been deleted. Sorry... I was on here somewhere a while back, and left a comment about Iranian weapons, fresh out of the factory, having been captured in Iraq, provided by the Iranians to the insurgency. Someone doubted the veracity of my statement, and smugly asked me to provide a link. In the time between my log ons, drmiler kindly provided said link, which took the user to the ABC News site, which had the...
January 13, 2007 by Rightwinger
So, the President has announced that 21,000 more US troops are going to Iraq. It's about time. The Democrats, ever eager to counter any attempted progress of the hated Bush Administration, and in their unending quest seemingly to humiliate and further divide their country, have vowed to fight this "surge". The action was led by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, who co-authored and signed a letter to the President opposing the increase, then went and talked with him. Ted Kennedy has proposed a ...
January 12, 2007 by Rightwinger
From the Associated Press....... By NICHOLAS PAPHITIS Associated Press Writer ATHENS, Greece (AP) - An anti-tank shell was fired at the U.S. Embassy early Friday, striking the front of the building but causing no injuries. A senior police official said the blast was an act of terrorism, raising fears of a resurgence of far-left Greek militant groups. Police cordoned off streets around the heavily guarded building after the explosion shortly before 6 a.m. The shell struck ...
January 8, 2007 by Rightwinger
You know…..I used to like E.R.; it was always a quality show, well-written and with good acting and production values. It was never my favorite show by any stretch, but it was the kind of show I could watch with my wife, who loves it, and more or less enjoy. I used to watch it every week, but due to pressures of work and the intrusion of just general life, I slacked off over the years. I watched it, but infrequently. Thursday night, however, I said goodbye to E.R., and couldn’t care less ...
December 31, 2006 by Rightwinger
A good friend of mine, an active duty soldier, came home for Christmas, bringing with him his wife and family. They’d driven cross-country, into the Weirton area from Washington State, where he is stationed at Fort Lewis. During an evening visit, he and I were discussing the war. He is soon to be deployed to Afghanistan, having already served in Iraq. He confided to me that, to his thinking, at least, for every one person who supports the troops and what they’re doing, there is, at least, one o...
December 12, 2006 by Rightwinger
There comes a moment in everyone’s life, often several moments, really, when he or she finally knows, with perfect clarity, where they stand or what they believe in. I guess I was always kind of conservative….I’ve often mentioned how I voted for and supported Reagan even before I was old enough to vote. In 1980, Ohio County Schools held a mock election in grades 7-12 to show the kids how the system works. I voted for Reagan. In 1984, I wore a big Reagan-Bush pin, there on the pocket of ...
December 4, 2006 by Rightwinger
Have I missed it? Has it happened yet? The first serious JU liberal/atheist Christmas counteroffensive? This’ll be my third Christmas on JU, and I noticed that, every year, at the first hint of a serious Christmas article, the non-believers have to jump it feet first to refute whatever it may say. They have slam down hard and fast, lest their tender sensibilities be offended by our seasonal religious nonsense and claptrap. They bring with them their solid, newly-discovered, incontroverti...
December 4, 2006 by Rightwinger
Someone may already have posted something on this, but that's okay. I thought it was funny...... The Young Conservatives at the University of Texas are erecting an "ACLU Creche" (Nativity scene) for the Holiday season. If I remember correctly, they're going to call it something like the "Generalized Winter Holiday Festival Display", or something like that. Since the ACLU espouses and promotes only extreme Progressive beliefs and issues, the display will refelct those beliefs. Ma...
November 20, 2006 by Rightwinger
WARNING: ADULT CONTENT On December 22, 2006, everyone, everywhere in the world, is being encouraged to have a "synchronized orgasm"....this is to be at the time and place of your choosing, and with whatever degree of privacy you choose. The orgasm can be achieved either by masturbation or by sexual intercourse. It's up to you. Why are we to do this? Why, to affect the flow of energies on the Earth, of course! How? By injecting (my word choice) therein a massive wave of positive e...
November 14, 2006 by Rightwinger
Yes, I think the Democrats may be right, for a change. It’s time we started talking. Negotiations do indeed seem the only way to resolve the current situation with the Islamic Fundamentalists and terrorists. Pull out of Iraq, bring the troops home. Allow the area to settle a bit. Let the Islamists do as they will, and just live and let live. You know, I really think we should invite their leaders to the table, just to talk. Embrace them; find out what motivates them, what makes them hate ...