The “Occupy” movement has been taking its predictable course of late, as protestors in the “Occupy Oakland” segment, among others, clash with police and vandalize storefronts; for example, Occupiers threw a chair through the front window of a Whole Foods in Oakland, California. Shooting deaths have been reported at encampments in California and Vermont. In a Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY, a mob of “unidentified” young-ish vandals set cars afire, an...
God Bless America, folks....God Bless America. September 12th, 2009; Washington, DC. What a wonderful day. Our bus left Wheeling, WV at 4:20 AM, and arrived in DC around 10:30, I believe it was. So many patriots were there, already. Our group had a large WV state flag, carried to more easily facilitate our sticking together in the crowd, and we moved down the street to chants of "Let's go, Mountaineers!" which had a dual meaning; WVU, after all, was playing that day, too. The crowd was ...
One more falsehood from the Obama Cadre: “47 million are uninsured”; such ridiculously overblown statements seem a hallmark of this particular Democrat-controlled government. I guess their philosophy is, "the bigger the fish story, the more people will be inclined to believe it". Actually, though, it’s closer to 17 million, and some say even less than that. Many of those are younger, healthier people, simply opting out of health insurance for the present, orth...
Y'know....I'll admit, back around election time, I was scared of Obama. I dreaded what the country might become, with such a leftist-liberal radical loon in the Oval Office and a majority party of Socilaist, liberal whackos in control of the House and Senate, as well. A party of people whose concerns have been shown to lie more with non-traditional, anti-American ideals and interests, than with advancing the cause of Americanism. It frightened me; it did. I fear...
Glenn Beck made a good point the other day; he was doing a monologue about Potter-mania, and opined that these stories, like "Lord of the Rings" and the "Star Wars" saga (I personally would even include Indiana Jones and some superhero movies in the batch, too), are so popular because they portray a battle between true, easily-discerned Good and Evil (notice the capital letters). They show good, decent people standing up and opposing Evil; fighting oppression and those who would do violence an...
From the Associated Press....... By NICHOLAS PAPHITIS Associated Press Writer ATHENS, Greece (AP) - An anti-tank shell was fired at the U.S. Embassy early Friday, striking the front of the building but causing no injuries. A senior police official said the blast was an act of terrorism, raising fears of a resurgence of far-left Greek militant groups. Police cordoned off streets around the heavily guarded building after the explosion shortly before 6 a.m. The shell struck ...
Have I missed it? Has it happened yet? The first serious JU liberal/atheist Christmas counteroffensive? This’ll be my third Christmas on JU, and I noticed that, every year, at the first hint of a serious Christmas article, the non-believers have to jump it feet first to refute whatever it may say. They have slam down hard and fast, lest their tender sensibilities be offended by our seasonal religious nonsense and claptrap. They bring with them their solid, newly-discovered, incontroverti...
Someone may already have posted something on this, but that's okay. I thought it was funny...... The Young Conservatives at the University of Texas are erecting an "ACLU Creche" (Nativity scene) for the Holiday season. If I remember correctly, they're going to call it something like the "Generalized Winter Holiday Festival Display", or something like that. Since the ACLU espouses and promotes only extreme Progressive beliefs and issues, the display will refelct those beliefs. Ma...
WARNING: ADULT CONTENT On December 22, 2006, everyone, everywhere in the world, is being encouraged to have a "synchronized orgasm"....this is to be at the time and place of your choosing, and with whatever degree of privacy you choose. The orgasm can be achieved either by masturbation or by sexual intercourse. It's up to you. Why are we to do this? Why, to affect the flow of energies on the Earth, of course! How? By injecting (my word choice) therein a massive wave of positive e...
I understand that the families of the murdered Amish girls are making provisions for a fund to be set up for the family of their daughters' murderer. They've forgiven him, I understand, and wish to help his family to get past this, and to assist in their care and wellbeing, since the husband/father is now dead. You know, you really can't get all that much more radical, as far as Christianity goes, than the Amish. Someone really should point this out to Rosie O'Donnell. I mean, they've not o...
From the Jerusalem Post: Aug. 5, 2006 16:08 | Updated Aug. 5, 2006 19:58 Saudi religious leader blasts Hizbullah By ASSOCIATED PRESS Cairo, Egypt A top Saudi Sunni cleric, whose ideas inspired Osama bin Laden, issued a religious edict Saturday disavowing the Shi'ite guerrilla group Hizbullah, evidence that a rift remained among Muslims over the fighting in Lebanon. Hizbullah, which translates as "the party of God," is actually "the party of the devil," said Sheik Safar al-...
So TV Guide thinks George Clooney deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his spotlighting of the Darfour situation, do they? Darfour is the new---or rather, present---Celebrity Cause of the Moment. What will it be tomorrow? Granted, what’s happening in that area is a human tragedy of unimaginable proportions, but I guess it takes something that big to pierce the plastic bubble around Hollywood. It takes something so huge to get their attention and show them that there’s suffering in the world w...
On April 5th, a young Pittsburgh area boy was walking down the hall when a black-and-brown painted squirt gun slipped from his backpack and sent waves of hyperventillating panic through his elementary school. Police were called and his fate was ultimately thrown to the mercy of the district School Board. From ~~~5th-Grader Expelled For Toy Gun Parents Plan To Appeal Decision PENN HILLS, Pa. -- A Penn Hills student who brought a toy gun to school will not be allowed back i...
"Baa, baa black sheep, have you any wool?" has been officially changed. Now, English nursery schools, in the interest of inoffensiveness, multi-culturalism and diversity, have been told to change the wording. It's now "rainbow sheep". No kidding; it was on the Glenn Beck program the other morning. The nuts are takin' over the asylum, man.
Jay Bennish, a geography teacher in Aurora, Colorado, is seemingly fond of force-feeding liberal rhetoric and political propaganda to his captive audience of impressionable young minds. So fond, in fact, that a student decided to record one of his tirades. The recording was played for school officials and Bennish was placed on suspension (with pay). Seems he is now suing the school. Sounds like a true liberal to me. For a picture of this whacko leftie, please see the link. Diatribe on...