Fox's "24" started its new season with a group of Islamic terrorists attacking American cities, a series of attacks culminating with the detonation of a small nuclear bomb in LA. Arab groups are all up in a dither, mainly because a popular media outlet dares to use Muslims as villains. They're afraid the American people will become biased against them and their faith--Bu-wa-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA---ahem...sorry. Couldn't help that.
What they're really afraid of, in my opinion, is that the American people will start to see them as the threat they are, rather than the simple, peaceful people the MSM snaitizes them to be.
Now, Glenn Beck is under attack. He was recently hired by "Good Morning America" as a commentator. Arab groups are all up in a dither again, because they claim he is anti-Islam or anti-Arab. Please see the link.
I listen to Beck every morning, and I've seen his show on Headline News. He's not Anti-anything but apathy. He questions; he dared to show clips from Islamic Middle Eastern TV---it's pretty much all anti-Israel/America propaganda, all the time. A lot of it was just sick.
I'm happy the Arabs are upset; it means they're nervous. We've been nervous. We've stopped, and that's a mistake. Beck and "24" may just give us pause; might make us look over our shoulders again, and our enemies don't want that.