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TV Guide fawning over Compassionate Clooney
Published on May 18, 2006 By Rightwinger In Current Events
So TV Guide thinks George Clooney deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his spotlighting of the Darfour situation, do they? Darfour is the new---or rather, present---Celebrity Cause of the Moment. What will it be tomorrow?

Granted, what’s happening in that area is a human tragedy of unimaginable proportions, but I guess it takes something that big to pierce the plastic bubble around Hollywood. It takes something so huge to get their attention and show them that there’s suffering in the world which goes beyond farm animals being murdered to be eaten, Global Warming, poor box office returns, low ratings, cellulite thighs and those tragic crows feet around the eyes and mouth.

But here’s a question for you: Where has the good Mr. Clooney been all this time?

After all, Africa has been the setting for human suffering and misery seemingly since time out of memory.
Disease, religious, political and social unrest, war, widespread famine, aching poverty. All of these things, sadly, define Africa, and have for decades.

And where was the Compassionate Mr. Clooney (and the rest of the Hollywood Limousine Left, for that matter) in the last 20 years or so? The years when, say, Saddam Hussein was gassing villages and filling untold numbers of unmarked mass graves with the bodies of untold numbers of innocent obstacles to his power. I guess that was okay?
Want to talk about oppression, Human Rights abuses and violations, government-imposed poverty and suffering? Let’s see George on Leno or Letterman, wearing his "serious, concerned" face as he denounces the regimes governing China, North Korea and Cuba. Now, that would be something; I, myself, might even support him for the Nobel Prize, then.

Clooney, however, being a typical Hollywood uber-liberal, would probably hand the Communist countries a free pass, as, in fact, he might most dictatorships; the liberty-loving Left does adore its tyrants and dictators.

Don't get me wrong; it’s great that he’s so concerned about Darfour and wants to do something. However, so much known suffering in the world goes unpublicized and (perhaps even purposely) unacknowledged and unmentioned in the Media, of which he is a part. He should do something about that fact before we start lobbying for him in Geneva.

on May 19, 2006
on May 20, 2006
+LOL+ Thanks, Dyno.
on May 21, 2006
the liberty-loving Left does adore its tyrants and dictators.

Yeah, isn't it horrible that some people try to show tyrants and dictators some love and compassion? After all, that's the kind of thing Jesus would do. We can't have that.
on May 22, 2006
Yeah, isn't it horrible that some people try to show tyrants and dictators some love and compassion? After all, that's the kind of thing Jesus would do. We can't have that.

Thanks for the sarcastic laugh.