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It was a squirt gun painted black and brown
Published on May 15, 2006 By Rightwinger In Current Events
On April 5th, a young Pittsburgh area boy was walking down the hall when a black-and-brown painted squirt gun slipped from his backpack and sent waves of hyperventillating panic through his elementary school. Police were called and his fate was ultimately thrown to the mercy of the district School Board.

From WPXI.com:

~~~5th-Grader Expelled For Toy Gun
Parents Plan To Appeal Decision

PENN HILLS, Pa. -- A Penn Hills student who brought a toy gun to school will not be allowed back in class until next year.

Jokari Becker, 10, took a squirt gun to Dible Elementary School last month.

Jokari's parents said he has been suspended until January.

They plan to appeal the decision.~~~~

As well they should. Now, what did the kids learn from this besides how to get out for summer vacation a few weeks before their classmates? Not much.
In fact, this being the case, it wouldn't surprise me but that they'll likely find a rash of squirt gun-slinging Juvenile Delinquents in the area schools, hoping to get caught.
What did this accomplish besides putting the young man three months behind his classmates next year? Once again, not much. Draconian measures don't really accomplish all that much in these cases. After all, if, God forbid, a kid were going to bring a gun to school with the intention of killing someone, is what happened to poor, hapless Jokari Becker going to stop him/her? Of course not. I've said it before and I'll say it again:
All "Zero Tolerance" does is absolve the school and its administration from any blame; unfortunately, it also absolves them from having to use common sense.
It was a squirt gun, for cryin' out loud! Take it off him, drag him to the Office, patiently explain to him that it's being confiscated until the end of the day, and that he shouldn't have brought it in the first place and not to bring it back. Give him a day or two detention, maybe. But expulsion? C'mon.........

on May 15, 2006
If he was younger, I'd say just take it away til the end of the day and talk to a parent about checking his backpack before school, but a 10 year old should be responsible enough not to bring toys (which is what a squirt gun is) to school, so punishment is warranted.

Suspension is INSANELY draconian punishment, though.

My children's school has the same rule/punishment for "look alike guns".

The intent of Zero Tolerance is good...to make schools a safe place where children can thrive without fear of danger or harmful influences. If a child brings a "look alike gun" to school and uses it to threaten or frighten students or faculty, then yes, punishment should be harsh.

In this case, though, the child brought a "look alike gun" to school, but did not treat it as a weapon (at least according to what you've shared here). I think he should be punished for bring a toy to school because that is what he did. Would he be suspended for bringing an iPod or a Gameboy to school?
on May 15, 2006
Wow....Tex and I agree on this. Wonders never cease.
When I saw it was you, I actually half-expected to have to defend my position.

Zero Tolerance was concocted by lawyers, plain and simple, to defend against legal actions in the event of such cases as Columbine.
It not only protects schools from lawsuits, though, it also protects them from having to deal with normal, everyday disciplinary actions, such as giving detention or maybe two or three days' suspension in cases involving toy "weapons", no matter how the toy was used. A rubber knife? Call the cops! Throw'em out! A carved, wooden gun, purchased on vacation, brought in for show and tell? He has a gun! Grab'im! Call 5-0!
They just call the cops and alert the shcool board; probably saves the principal a little time and energy, overall, not to mention the headaches of having to deal with the little shits one-on-one.

Yeah, the kid was old enough to know not to bring a toy gun to school, but he did, nonetheless, and now he must suffer for his infraction. A shame it's comne to this.
on May 15, 2006
zero tolerance=zero intelligence.
on May 15, 2006
I have a ten year old and if he gets wind of this...well, he will be doing it just to get out of school early!

They make such a big deal of it here. They have "lock down" drills all the time...the principal gets on the intercom and says "lock down lock down lock down" and the teachers run and lock the doors and shut the blinds. Then all the students get against the wall that the door is on.

To me, that drill is way scarier than a squirt gun.

Yes, it is a toy and he should be disciplined...but I don't think expulsion is just.
on May 15, 2006
zero tolerance=zero intelligence.

I like that!

RW you beat me to this one. You should have listed the progression of his punishment. Suspended for 5 days, then another 7, then expelled until January. All for a squirt gun.

Like Moderateman said, zero tolerance = zero intelligence!
on May 15, 2006
zero tolerance=zero intelligence

Sure does....you don't need any!

I have a ten year old and if he gets wind of this...well, he will be doing it just to get out of school early!

Like I said, they just might be seeing a lot of this in the near future.

They make such a big deal of it here. They have "lock down" drills all the time...the principal gets on the intercom and says "lock down lock down lock down" and the teachers run and lock the doors and shut the blinds. Then all the students get against the wall that the door is on.

To me, that drill is way scarier than a squirt gun.

They get against the wall by the door? The wall the bullets'd be coming through, right? Smaaaaarrrt......
That's kind of like the old "duck and cover" drills they used to run in case of nuclear attack. Like a tiny wooden desk or table was going to protect you from The Bomb. If someone has the intent to do harm, they're gonna do it, regardless.
All this ZT crap is just pissing in the wind and not really dealing with the social problems themselves, the problems that cause school violence in the first place.

Yes, it is a toy and he should be disciplined...but I don't think expulsion is just.

"Just" what?

RW you beat me to this one. You should have listed the progression of his punishment. Suspended for 5 days, then another 7, then expelled until January. All for a squirt gun.

You once said we should do a tag team on this subject!
Thanks for expanding on it for me, Doc.
on May 15, 2006
You once said we should do a tag team on this subject!
Thanks for expanding on it for me, Doc.

Hey! You are the best tag team mate!
on May 16, 2006
Why was the gun painted to look more realistic? This sounds rather deliberate on the part of the child, and at least raises the suspicion that he may have had plans to use it for intimidation purposes. I'd be just as outraged as the rest of you if he had suffered such a penalty for a lime-green super-soaker.

Some squirt guns can be purchased that way. The story didn't elaborate on that.

We also don't know the kids discipline history...

Yeah, this is true. I hadn't considered that.

And finally, let me remind you all that kids (and some really stupid adults, too) are killed by police officers every year while holding various look-alike weapons in their hands. Any shenanigans with this harmless squirt-gun (deliberately altered to look more realistic) could have not only cost this child his life, but might have put classmates and other bystanders in danger as well.

Yes, agreed; but it WAS just a squirt gun; when this fact was discovered, a lot of time and poorly-directed energy (not to mention tax dollars) could have been saved by simply disciplining the kid there at the school. But no, once the ZT monster swoops in, that's all she wrote.

I don't agree with zero tolerance policies at all, but I'm also not willing to rush to judgement on this particular case without having all the facts at my disposal, such as prior discipline problems with this kid, seeing just how realistic the paint-job looked, and hearing the child's explanation as to why he took it to school that day.

Agreed; but I still think it's just yet another example of much hysteria for nothing, really.

Hey! You are the best tag team mate!

on May 16, 2006
Why was the gun painted to look more realistic? This sounds rather deliberate on the part of the child, and at least raises the suspicion that he may have had plans to use it for intimidation purposes.

That's the problem though, he wasn't punished for what he did do, he was punished for what the useless administration were afraid he may do.

The "gun" wasn't a threat to anyone, and he didn't threaten anyone with it. However, he wasn't treated any different than if he had.
on May 16, 2006

This is like a soap! With every entry more info is "revealed."

Sounds like the kid has discipline issues and this was the straw that broke the camels back, and just happens to coincide with the zero tolerance.

If say he brought his gameboy to school and was threatening to smack kids in the head with it, I imagine his punishment would be the same (expulsion).

My son's school has the same sort of policy....two suspensions and then an expulsion for disciplinary issues.

But I certainly wouldn't brand the kid for life. He is just a kid and at this age, breaking the rules is part of life and exploration.

His parents must be so proud.
on May 16, 2006
on May 16, 2006
There was also a case recently of a student who arrived at school and realized he had forgotten to take his pocketknife out of his jacket. He headed directly for the office, and turned the knife in for them to hold until after school...and was promptly suspended. He had a knife on school property, after all!

It's my position that this student should actually have been COMMENDED! We SHOULD want to REWARD honesty, not punish it. The school's actions virtually ensured that other students caught in a similar situation won't be stupid enopugh to repeat the same mistake.
on May 16, 2006
I don't think little Johnny is quite the angel his mommy and daddy would have us believe.

That's Little 'Jokari", LW. +LOL+

I guess your dander got up a little bit, huh? Geez. Thanks for pursuing it, though. Very illuminating.
I think that the main consensus here is that ZT policies ARE crap, but I guess maybe little Jokari Badseed got what was coming to him, after all.
Not to bring up a different issue, but I kind of wonder if the "whole story" (as revealed to us by Whip), would have been told if this had been a WHITE kid?

Naaahh....let's not go there.
on May 18, 2006
Of course it would have. But if the MSM had started reporting on this kids prior discipline problems, they'd have been RACISTS, picking on the poor little black kid.

Heh-heh. Yepp-ers.

I'm sure accusations of racism will be levelled against the school board if they don't reverse their decision, too.

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. Although, some may think that taking a stand here would be a good thing.

Heh, I don't mind 'going there', RW. Let me know if you hear any more updates about it.

I know....you and I are probably the only two on JU who really DON'T mind going there. We're such white trash racists. I'll keep stuff posted here if I hear anything more. Thanks for posting. That goes for everyone.

Wasn't nothin' personal, and I hope you knew that, lol.

I knew that.