A place for me to pour out my rants without clogging the inboxes of my friends and family. Also a place to give info on myself and Mary, our family news and events.
Rightwinger's Articles In Blogging
May 27, 2005 by Rightwinger
How do I load an image?
August 10, 2005 by Rightwinger
How do I go about it? Anybody here 'at can tell me?
October 19, 2005 by Rightwinger
I was going through some boxes the other day, and came across my yearbooks from Junior High; 79-80, 80-81 and 81-82. All three are still in good shape after 23 years and more. Wish I could say the same. Anyway, seeing all those old pictures brought back memories of stupid "book titles" and authors we used to make up to be smart alecks. Below are some that I remember, and some that I made up sitting here. Can you add more? "Run to the Outhouse" by Willie May Kitt (say it fast) "The ...
September 10, 2005 by Rightwinger
I’ve been working on this for a couple of days, now, having written and re-written it a few times. Since I seem unable, for some odd and unknowable reason, to post on Tex’s threads, I guess I’ll have to put it out there myself. Which is probably better, anyway; after all, if you’re going to prostrate yourself in apology, what better way than publicly, right? And now, down to business: Tex; you and I disagree on many things; not a soul-searing revelation, obviously, but a true statement n...
September 10, 2005 by Rightwinger
I just read what you wrote over on Tex's thread. I haven't "locked you out". I never blacklist. Feel free to post anything you like. Sorry, but if there's a problem with you posting oin my threads, it's not coming from me.
September 6, 2005 by Rightwinger
This has been said before, but I’ll say it again: Too many people here use the blacklist option simply to silence the opposition. It’s just that simple, and it’s just that sad. It seems that, if they meet up with someone they don’t like or who slams them particularly hard on some point or points or other, they will just slap a gag across that person’s mouth, silencing them by keeping them from posting on their articles. I’ve noticed a strange thing, though; most of the blacklisters, or...
August 13, 2008 by Rightwinger
........to visit the old neighborhood....I'm diggin' the new look, Drag! New features....looks good. I missed it here, and thought I'd drop in to hi. I still see a few familiar names on the mailboxes as I walk down the street. Place looks good. It's been over a year since my last post, and I'm sorry I got away. For those that may remember, the whole thing with Bakerstreet kind of did JU in for me for a while, and I got out of the habit, but hey, I recovered. Maybe I'll drop by later and pos...
July 2, 2006 by Rightwinger
I had managed to luck out and come by four tickets to a Pittsburgh Pirates game. It was a Saturday night game, the second in a 3-game series at PNC Park against the cross-state rival Philadelphia Phillies. My wife didn't want to go, so I asked my friend Randy, Steve, our pastor, and one other friend, who didn't show. We got to the stadium just as the game was starting, made our way to our section, stopping occasionally to gasp in the thinning atmosphere and to blot the blood seeping from ou...
June 18, 2006 by Rightwinger
....but this one has stuck with me. The scene: Wheeling Jr. High School gym, the Spring Dance, 1981. I was there with my homies, as usual. After all, as a general rule, who goes to Teen Dances with a date, right? I was wearing too much of my dad's Brut, and the smell of it, mixed with my Speed Stick deo and the hair spray I stylishly used then to keep my flowing locks in helmet-head place, was probably somewhere close to combustible. Anyway; her name, I'll say, was "Tina"; she wa...
December 29, 2005 by Rightwinger
I recently posted an article detailing the efforts of an area strip bar to drum up a little Christmas Spirit and, apparently, Goodwill to Men. They would graciously be waiving the cover charge for anyone who came to the show and brought a toy with them. The toy was then, in turn, to be donated to Toys for Tots. The name given by the bar management to the promotion? "Toys for Tatas". How festive, no? Anyway, this article elicited precious little traffic; I went back and forth with a couple o...
November 15, 2005 by Rightwinger
Every once in a while on here, I'll see an article or a stray comment in a discussion that casts a favorable light on, or wistfully refers to, Communism and its long-touted wonders. We've all seen them here and there. I mean, we've even got our own Commies and Socies here on JU. What I don't get is how people can still look favorably on such a horribly repressive, corrupt and proven inefficient system, a system that only seems to foster dictators and tyrants. It makes no sense to me. Even, he...