From time to frequent time, we are reminded by the MSM that, though Islamist violence (that is, violence in the name of Allah) is to be found the world over, that the vast majority of them are just kind, peace-luvvin', carnation-in-the-rifle-barrel, let's-all-join-hands-and-sing-"Kum-Ba-Ya", just-get-up-and-go-to-work-day-in-day-out-just-livin'-life folks.
They tell us that Islamic Fundamentalism and the terrorist behavior it engenders is just an horrific anomaly. A mutation of that faith and twisting of its beliefs. We are told that they are few in number, overall.
This might be true, I guess, sure, but sometimes it just ain't seeming like it, y'know? I just don't know......
After all, we've spent over 3 years now facing a seemingly unending stream of peaceful, non-violent Muslims in Iraq, and nearly five in Afghanistan. We have in our opposition the apparently innmuerable, yet peaceful and non-violent, al-Qaeda and what remains of the peaceful, non-violent Taliban.
The same MSM, the one which tells us how peaceful Islam really is, is also the MSM that has little optimism for our war in Iraq; they don't think we should stay our course. We can't possibly be there long enough that we'll eventually grind them down to the point that they run out of willing cannon-fodder and we'll be the ultimate victors. Nope...can't possibly happen.
Israel is in Lebanon now, engaged in a growing conflict facing Hezbollah, a seeming small army of peaceful, non-violent Muslims that are determined to destroy them, and face yet another group of them at home in Hamas. But yet, we know for a fact that Islamic fanaticism and its purveyors of terrorism are so very few in numbers, overall.
I still hear nothing from what I'll call the "Silent Majoirty" of Muslims....those who may not be active terrorists, but who do nothing to speak out against or to oppose these monsters who have hijacked their faith and pervert the name of their peaceful, non-violent god. I'll give them grudging credit for not being what the others, al-Qaeda, the Taliban, Hamas and Hezbollah, for example, are....but then maybe not. At least the zealots take a stand one way or the other. They hate and they act.
If Islam is truly a "religion of Peace", and the zealots are so few in number overall, how come there are so very many willing to kill and destroy in its name? And so many more who are unwilling to condemn those who do?
All Muslims are complicit in the violence of their faith, if they don't take a stand to oppose it.