William Jefferson Clinton has at last found his legacy.
According to a story I heard on the radio the other day, teens 15-19 are having oral sex at greater than ever numbers. This is because it is viewed as "safer" and "more acceptable" than vaginal sex. Some feel that it isn't really even sex at all, and so engage in it freely and with no compunctions at all, since they will remain a "technical virgin". Please see the links.
Do you know why these kids feel this way? Though I couldn't find a link to post here, according to the story I heard, many of the teens gave the nod to their former President and Leader of them and their Nation, Slick Willy, for giving them this idea.
After all, if he "never had sex with that woman, Monica Lewinski", but acknowledged getting the occasional humjob from her, then it must not be "sex", right? The Preisdent said so.
Never mind the fact that, before Clinton's impeachment hearing and the semantic debate that surrounded it, every Jr. High kid past the age of 11 or 12 knew that oral sex was, indeed a sex act. They don't call it "oral sex" because it has a nice ring to it.
If it involves pleasurable contact with the sexual organs, it's a sex act. But not for Cover Your Ass Clinton; no sir.....he debated the nature of sex itself, and was given a pass. To the detriment of the youth in this country.
Every act has consequences, Bill, though you typically seem to have dodged all repsonsiblity for yours.
Congratultions on your legacy; I'm sure it'll be rewarding for us all.