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It's a goody
Published on September 30, 2005 By Rightwinger In Politics
The other night at work, I was listening to "The Savage Nation" with Michael Savage, and he made a very good point; he told of a Chinese restaurant his family used to frequent every Sunday after church, when he was a young child. When we got into Korea, and eventually ended up fighting China, people started to wonder just where the loyalties of the owners of the restaurant might lie.
In response, the owners put a large American flag in the window, along with a sign saying that they "support America". No one questioned them any further.
He also talked about Japanese Americans during WW2, interned in camps in the Southwest desert, but filled with a desire to show their loyalty to their country. They formed a division of Japanese American soldiers and were sent to Europe to fight the Nazis, where they incurred the greatest losses of any division in the entire war.
Savage questions where all these fiercely loyal American Muslims we keep hearing about might be; how come, if they so strongly support America in the War on Terror and the liberation of Iraq, they haven’t been enlisting in droves (like, I might myself add, blacks during the Civil War, who were at first turned away, but found other ways to help) to be sent overseas and prove their loyalty.

He’s right.

Why don’t we also see massive demonstrations of Muslim-Americans, loudly denouncing the terrorists and insurgents as evil and against the tenets of their "peaceful" religion? Where are the "loyal American" Muslims?

I’d like to know the answer to that one, myself.

Can you imagine the massive hit to their morale the anti-war, anti-American fringe would take if the Muslims in this country suddenly did start standing up and chanting for America, just as loudly as their counterparts over there chant against us?
I wish they would….where are they?

on Sep 30, 2005
Savage questions where all these fiercely loyal American Muslims we keep hearing about might be; how come, if they so strongly support America in the War on Terror and the liberation of Iraq, they haven’t been enlisting in droves

Warning, I'm about to say something very unPC.

Remember the Iraq fragging incident? I'm comfortable with the current levels of Muslim troops, and don't really want to see an increase.
on Sep 30, 2005
I don't hear him any longer as they bumped him to the 9-12 slot. But that is a VERY good question!
on Sep 30, 2005
Can you imagine the massive hit to their morale the anti-war, anti-American fringe would take if the Muslims in this country suddenly did start standing up and chanting for America, just as loudly as their counterparts over there chant against us?
I wish they would….where are they?

Islam is the problem.
on Oct 01, 2005
Islam is the problem.

In what way?