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Peace demonstrators
Why they're wrong
Published on September 30, 2005 By
I was just over on greywar's post looking at some pathetic "peace rally" pictures,
and it occurred to me just how wrong-headed the modern peaceniks are.
I mean, beside the fact that they don't seem to comprehend that terrorists don't give a rat's ass in a snowstorm if you support the war or not, you're an American, so you deserve to die. Besides that, they're wrong to demontrate so vehemently simply because they don't actually have a stake in the war itself that gives them the right to demonstrate as they do.
I mean, can understand, kind of, where the peaceniksback in the Vietnam Era were coming from. After all, they didn't like or agree with the war, and didn't want to fight in it....but they were really, truly in danger of being sent to do so. The draft was in effect then. They had a stake in events in which they didn't want to participate. I can understand their point of view, even if I don't agree with it.
The modern hippies don't have that concern; they're just being contentious.
We don't have a draft; they're not going anywhere the don't want to go, and don't have to worry about going anywhere near a military uniform unless they sign the papers themselves.
Perhaps some of the modern any-peace-at-any-pricers have family members in the service, but if they do, I ask this:
Is it shoring up the morale of their sons/daghters/brothers/sisters/cousins, stuck in a warzone thousands of miles from home, to know that their family doesn't support what they're doing? Doesn't think that what they're doing is worthy of the effort they and their comrades are putting forth?
The enemy we face in the War on Terror isn't an enemy that will be turned away simply by slipping a carnation into the barrel of their rifle. The Bush-haters and peace at all costers on the Left need to be aware of this.
This is, in effect, World War III, and it isn't the time to be playing at divisiveness for its own sake.
What they're doing isn't simply supporting the enemy insurgents in a far-off country, like Vietnam; it's affecting the homefront, too. It's causing divisiveness and societal stresses here, and it's making an our enemies smile to know that the democracy they hate is also easily manipulated and that, given this fact, our nation is so easily divided and distracted.
Now, I'm all for their right to demonstrate against what they might see as an unjust war. But, as so many of them seem to revile any active use of the military at all, they're protesting the WAR (on Terror) not just the war (in Iraq).
This is a danger to national security, and they're just too stupid to see it.
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