A place for me to pour out my rants without clogging the inboxes of my friends and family. Also a place to give info on myself and Mary, our family news and events.
I’m not afraid of opposing views, why should anyone else be?
Published on September 6, 2005 By Rightwinger In Blogging
This has been said before, but I’ll say it again:

Too many people here use the blacklist option simply to silence the opposition. It’s just that simple, and it’s just that sad.
It seems that, if they meet up with someone they don’t like or who slams them particularly hard on some point or points or other, they will just slap a gag across that person’s mouth, silencing them by keeping them from posting on their articles.
I’ve noticed a strange thing, though; most of the blacklisters, or at least as I’ve noticed, are very often some of the most excessively loud advocates of liberal ideals and perspectives, and will often react as if burned with a hot poker when confronted with opposing ideas and/or points of view.
Yes, it’s quite often the liberals here, those staunch defenders of free speech and expression, often profusely reprimanding us conservatives for our repressive ways and our oppressive means, who employ the blacklist to deny their opponents the opportunity for unfettered expression and speech.
In this, they act like the worst Nazi Gestapo agent or Soviet or Chinese Commie bureaucrat; they mimic the most petty, egotistical, insignificant, mustachioed, mirrored-sunglassed, be-medalled, cheap-uniformed, tinpot banana republic dictator. (deep breath)
“We must speak and not be opposed in our views, as we know that our views are the correct ones!”, they seem to declare.
So, when some conservative once too often challenges their facts or figures, offering other facts and figures in refutation, off into Siberia they go, languishing in the blacklist gulag, unable to post on the blacklister‘s articles.

This is patently unfair. Now, there are some I’ve seen in my year on JU who have deserved blacklisting, and even probationary banning, but too often the blacklist is simply used by posters as a weapon instead of a punishment, as it should be.

I oppose blacklisting; if you don’t agree with me, that’s cool. I might think you’re a tree-hugging moron or some kinda Pencil Neck Geek (“Classy Freddy” Blassy, remember him?), but that’s your problem. I’ll accept any opposing views, and will answer them as best I can. Sometimes I can’t, and that’s okay, too. After all, “a man’s got to know his limitations.” (“Dirty” Harry Callahan--Magnum Force--1973)
Others here need to do the same, instead of simply killing the messenger.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 12, 2005
"Yes, it’s quite often the liberals here, those staunch defenders of free speech and expression, often profusely reprimanding us conservatives for our repressive ways and our oppressive means, who employ the blacklist to deny their opponents the opportunity for unfettered expression and speech."

Care to name some names? I don't follow the whole Joeuser soap opera thing so I'm not sure to whom you are refering.

I'm among the most left-wing bloggers on Joeuser - I would hope I've been here for nearly two years in which time I've been called a number of unsavoury things. I've never blacklisted anyone nor, to the best of my knowledge, have I been blacklisted.

Having said all this, I don't in any way agree that someone has a "right" to comment on my blog.
on Sep 12, 2005
Care to name some names? I don't follow the whole Joeuser soap opera thing so I'm not sure to whom you are refering.

It wasn't you OG....the person to whom this was aimed probably knows who they are. Since naming names was a big part of "blacklisting" in the McCarthy Era, I think I'll refrain from doing so here, thanks....
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