's good to be home.
How's it going here at JU? Miss me? Just got back online about an hour ago and thought I'd drop by to say howdy.
The Mrs. and I moved back home, to Northern WV (well, actually Eastern PA, but we're so close that who cares...maybe about a mile past the state line) from Fort Wayne, IN. We moved on 6/25 and are still unpacking, an ongoing job, as anyone who's ever moved (and hasn't) can tell you. I got a good job and am making some decent money, as is she, and we moved into a nice house in the country (see the link for my article). Things are good for the RWs, but it's good to be back.
I see some familiar names still in the forums, so I'm sure I'll feel right back at home. Did anyone ever take up that challenge to write left-wing based humorous stories like mine?
Just curious. Take it easy's good to be back.