A place for me to pour out my rants without clogging the inboxes of my friends and family. Also a place to give info on myself and Mary, our family news and events.
Published on February 23, 2010 By Rightwinger In Just Hanging Out
Will the Tiger Woods feeding frenzy be coming to an end any time soon?
Okay…he’s apologized; good for him. Why do we care?
For myself, I don't care so much about his personal affairs (pun intended), but I do hold some opinions about the media's strong (over)reaction to the whole sordid affair (again, pun intended).
I mean, isn’t his “sex addiction” and its accompanying issues, pretty much between Woods and his wife, anyway?
I was channel surfing the other night, and lingered for a few, unbelieving seconds, on a news show, featuring a so-called “apology expert” (I’m not kidding, that’s what they called her), who “analyzed” his apology for the breathless, tasteless, viewing audience.
To Tiger's credit, she found it "sincere". I exhaled, then, realizing I'd been holding my breath in transfixed anticipation, waiting to hear her verdict....
How stupid; a celebrity with a huge ego cheated on his wife; it's a shame, but what else is new?
The guy has lost pretty much everything, because he couldn’t control his natural urges, and now was forced to apologize to everyone in the world....just because he’s Tiger Woods.
I’ll tell you who he should apologize to: all the hot black chicks he didn’t have sex with!
Not a non-Caucasian face in the bunch, that I could find. What is this guy, some kind of a sexual racist?
And you know what else I think? I think, if we’re going to be absolutely fair, here, that all the---ahem, “scarlet women”---who helped him cheat on his wife, they should apologize, too. To his wife and family.
But no, at least one of them, shamelessly, is demanding an apology, as well; from Tiger, to all of them, “for dragging their names into the mud”.
After all, one doesn’t have an affair alone; they were present, too, weren’t they?
What? These sleazy homewreckers didn’t know he was married? Come on; of course they did, and it didn’t stop them. They knew what they were doing; they're not the victims, here.
Besides, how many of them are thoroughly enjoying their 15 minutes of fame?
Will ultimately get a book deal, a round on the talk shows, maybe even a reality show, all because of their squalid dalliances with the Lion of the Links, Tiger Woods?
If anything, the March of the Myriad Mistresses should apologize to all of us, the people of the World, for helping to endlessly inflict this vacuous, irrelevant nonsense on our lives and intellects.
Shame on them, shame on Tiger, and yes, shame on anyone, who has spent these last weeks, watching, luxuriating in, the slow, public unraveling and destruction of a man’s life. A talented man, yes; but ultimately, just a man.
Let’s move on, shall we? Nothing to see, here……..

on Feb 23, 2010

It takes two to tango. This is one of those situations where the women are not whores. It's interesting to see how Tiger was such a bad person for having sex with so many women while married but no one seems to care that these women what basically whores who not only knew he was married but probably knew he was having sex with other women besides them. We have a word for women like that in Puert Rico, "Puta".

To be honest I don't care about Tiger being a sex addict. I'd be more concerned if he wasn't sexually active. Oh well, I'm sure someone esle will eventually yake his spot light away soon.