61% of Americans do not want the health care bill; Washington knows this, yet insists on ignoring its constituents. Are they insane? Maybe. Are they delusional? Perhaps.
So, on a Sunday night-Monday morning, literally in the dead of night when few were watching, the Senate passed the health care bill.
It's likely they, the Democrats, are committing political suicide over this, but they seem perfectly willing to do so; to implement a policy relatively few of their constituents actually support. Why?
Personally, I think it's because they recognize and crave the power this could grant them. The health care bill, even if it cost them seats in the House and Senate, which it's almost certainly guaranteed to do, would nonetheless represent a huge step toward a completely centralized government, which so many of them obviously support.
Obama, remember, promised not to raise taxes on those earning less than $250,000 per year; I guess he’s not, technically. But with no tax increase, exactly how are we to pay for all this?
For one, insurance rates will dramatically increase under the bill, due to taxes/fees imposed on providers.
Economics 101: these will then get passed along to the consumer--in all tax brackets--becoming an “indirect tax”; the government might not be imposing the tax, but the hammer comes down, regardless.
If actually implemented, as we know, it wouldn’t take effect until 2013, anyway, but don't worry; we’ll start paying taxes on it right away. This is, of course, to make it appear as though we have plenty of money, up front, to pay for this insane scheme.
Given this, we might have a few hundred billion or so to start it off with, but that won’t last long.
The Congressional Budget Office says we’ll burn through that rather quickly; this is going to cost an achingly large sum. It’ll cost anywhere between $900 billion and $1 trillion for the first ten years, alone. After that, who knows?
With people running to the hospital for “free” care, seeking treatment for things they’d normally ignore or ride out, free abortions and sex changes, the tab could get quite stiff.
The arrogant, possibly insane or delusional Democrats ignore these arguments, however, plunging ahead, literally bribing skeptical or fence-sitting legislators with various tempting, porky “goodies”, to secure their votes. If I did that, I'd go to prison. In Congress, however, it's par for the course.
In a heartwarming show of bipartisanship, Republicans were--utterly--disallowed from attending the closed-door discussions on this bill.
Democrats only, son.
This is Democrat “transparency” and “ethics”? This is Obama’s “post-partisan” presidency?
I guess they’re the intellectual elite, so they must know better, right?
Everywhere universal healthcare is implemented, quality and efficiency suffer; “rationing” of care results.
“Well,” liberals often say, “insurance companies do that, now!” But, isn’t that what they’re trying to change? Cold, calculating, discriminatory “greed”, for the caring, compassionate, Socialist nanny-state?
Under Socialized medicine, people often have to wait weeks or months to see a doctor; "Well," liberals say, "isn't that the way it is, now?"
But if it’s ultimately the same, why go to all the bother and expense?
Despite wording and promises, it’s all the same, really; only government would be more directly involved, then.
Eventually, no matter what they say, they’ll leach away private sector competition, with taxes and fees, leaving only the One-Payer system they yearn for: inefficient, wasteful Governmental control. And when has government ever made anything better?
Liberals like to pretend that unless we pass health care, the streets will be piled with people, dropping dead, lacking health insurance.
That doesn’t happen now, even with the unfair, horror-filled dungeons shrieking liberals portray as modern medical care.
Laws already exist, requiring hospitals to treat anyone who comes in. It’s not flawless; sometimes, people fall through the cracks. Welcome to reality.
Like the “man-made” global warming scam, it’s about wielding power; that’s all.
Liberal busybodies, delighting in telling others how to live; Progressive politicians, on both sides, seeking as much influence as possible.
“Progressive”; sounds nice, doesn’t it? Progressives, however, favor empowering the government over the individual, and they’re everywhere.
Perhaps some people like the idea of nosy bureaucrats concerning themselves with every morsel they consume, or whether their hobbies are too risky. I don’t.
61% of us realize this is a bad thing; we know that anywhere between 10 and 25 million will still be left without coverage; that Medicare will be cut by over $400 billion. We know this, and don’t want it, but it’s being forced down our throats, regardless.
61% of us oppose Obamacare; the Socialist neo-Democrats know they’re probably giving away the 2010 elections, but they’re perfectly willing to fall on that sword, to ensure that, in the future, Government ultimately becomes the deciding factor in every aspect of our lives. How heroic of them.
Stand fast, America.