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...returning America to the ash heap of her Greatness.
Published on November 27, 2009 By Rightwinger In US Domestic

I’ve often heard and read of the supposed “Neocon agenda”; that ultra-secret plan of all us “crazy religious right-wing, wing nut” conservatives, to yoke the rest of the nation to our old-fashioned, “out-dated” ways and ideas.

Well, even if that were true, would it really be so very bad? After all, those values made America the strongest and most powerful nation on Earth, in much less than 200 years of her history.

Are conservative ideals--based, as they are, in certain standards of morality, individual liberties,  and open, free-market economics--really such vile, insidious and oppressive things?

Some think so; there are people who actively detest these principles, actually claiming that imposing these ideals would infringe upon their rights; rights that they’re afraid they would lose.

Afraid of losing what, exactly? Their right to be insufferably coarse, vulgar, profane louts?

I didn’t know that was a right; in fact, in the past, such behavior was frowned upon, and could even get you a night in jail, given the right circumstances.

What amuses me most are the hysterics who honestly think conservatives would return America to its pre-civil rights mindset, returning blacks to the back of the bus, and keeping women “barefoot and pregnant” and chained in the kitchen.

This is all leftwing, propagandistic nonsense, of course.

For my part, it would be my heart’s greatest desire to return the US---and ALL of its citizenry, regardless of race, ancestry or gender---to its traditional, root values of God, Family and Country. To the unifying ideals of hard work and sacrifice, on which the greatest, most powerful nation in world history, was built.

I would appropriately re-structure our educational and political systems, our military, culture and economy, and restore America to the greatness it enjoyed for decades, before and after WW2, right up to the early 1970s.

In fact, by our 1976 Bicentennial, our decline had already visibly begun. Our national morale was in a shambles.

By then, America had been through the scandal of Watergate and the resignation of a President, and had sacrificed 116,000 of her young men in two Asian wars against Communist aggression; wars that, for political reasons both domestic and international, they had not been allowed to win.

We had faced down Soviet military might in Cuba; however, to do so, we'd nontheless been forced to acceed certain elements of our own military power and strategic advantages in Turkey, thereby nullifying the victory.

We had already started letting the 11th century Muslim Arab savages have control of our energy needs, even though we had plenty of our own oil, here, and we had begun listening the enviro-weenies whose agenda actually, at its base, had less to do with helping the environment, and more to do with power.

We were doing little to resist Soviet expansionism, and in fact, after the Presidential election later that same year---the winner of which felt “Americans (had) an inordinate fear of Communism”---we all but enabled them in enslaving much of the Third World. This president's efforts at meekly placating and appeasing the Soviets were rewarded with the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, which he, after all his work, took as a personal insult. Perhaps it was.

We allowed the 11th century Muslim savages in Iran to hold 52 of our citizens, virtually unchallenged, for 444 days.

We were beginning to witness the undermining of our culture, using the various incarnations of media as the pickaxe. Public education was beginning to be dumbed-down; the educators’ right to discipline and order in the classroom, slowly being leached away.

No wonder Americans were suffering a “malaise”.

There was an interval in the 1980s, when we had a President who truly understood the meaning of conservatism; the Iranians thought better of thumbing their nose at this one, and chose to release our hostages, rather than having to deal with him. 

He worked at making us strong and proud again, and he succeeded. Ask the Soviets.

The liberals and the Progressive statists--on both sides of the political divide--absolutely hated him for it, however, and the breakdown continued again, in the 1990s, and really has not stopped. It has increased significantly, in fact, in the last few months.

How would we really be so bad off, if we were, once again, a nation of people who looked to God, each other--and yes, ourselves--for help in times of trouble, rather than depending upon the government, as we so increasingly do now?

Those evil Neocons….trying hard to return our country to the traditionalist, root values of religion, familial love, patriotism and self-reliance which made us so very strong, and proud of our country.

Resist that at all costs, America; or we might not be able to say “bitch” or “ass” on TV, anymore...........

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