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Liberals do no wrong
Published on September 26, 2009 By Rightwinger In The Media

I find it irritating how Democrats and liberal public figures regularly get away with their sleaziness and disregard for decorum; conservatives and Republicans, however, are castigated for every remotely questionable act.

To the liberal mass-media, of course, this is “fairness”, and “objectivity”, and when we complain about it, we’re being disingenuous and/or just whining, because as we all know, there is NO media preference.

However, if this depthless wellspring of blatantly negligent--even malfeasant--media favoritism were reversed, they’d tire of it, too. Rapidly.

In a 2008 letter to the editor, I predicted that if Obama were elected, criticism of him and/or his policies would be repressed; his critics would be smeared, labeled as racists.

My friends, welcome to the Future.

Thanks to columnist Maureen Dowd, anyone disagreeing with The One can now be simply dismissed as racist, their opinions therefore contemptible.

Dowd wrote that when Senator Joe Wilson shouted “you lie!” upon hearing--during Obama’s deception-laced health care speech--that illegals wouldn’t be covered, the “unspoken word (she) heard was ‘boy’”.

In other words, Dowd--with typical elitist liberal lack of scruples--twisted Wilson’s astute observation into a racist statement; “you lie, boy!”

Other media liberals and politicians quickly piled on; even Jimmy Carter---who, I might point out, ran for Georgia governor on a racist platform---chimed in.

They all know these charges of racism are ridiculously false; but, it’s fine. After all, they’re fibbing for the Little Guy! Right?


In their world, Wilson’s now Grand Dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, and those supporting him are doubtless hiding white robes and hoods, and probably have a gasoline-soaked cross in the garage, all ready to go.

Now, Democrats frequently jeered Bush during similar speeches; they, however, were hailed in the Press, for “speaking truth to Power”.


This is a liberal Democrat administration, however; very open; permissive and tolerant. Therefore, dissent and non-cooperation are unpardonable sins.

Wilson, obviously, said no such thing; however, that’s irrelevant to the liberal/Democrat Mass-Media Propaganda Ministry.

I was on Bill Maher's Facebook page, and Maher's status update said: "Joe Wilson has raised two million dollars; that's a lot of cheese for a cracker."

The Obamabots were eating it up. You'd think he'd actually said it, the way they're acting. Of course, that's the idea; the Orwellian Media strikes.

As an aside, during a discussion, I was actually scolded on there by one foul-mouthed poster, for using statistics and news links; seems I should just say what I mean, "instead of using all that pseudo-intellectual (a term which the the guy mispelled) bullshit."

So, again we see, facts are meaningless to liberals; especially when there are lippy Republicans to ruthlessly silence and destroy.

These things only reinforce the contention that the media is, indeed, terribly biased.

Unfortunately, there are too many deliberately self-deluding people out there; those misguidedly believing that Barry Obama, Kenyan-born Communist, and his fellow-travelers in the Congress and Senate, honestly care anything about We, the People, and truly have our nation’s best interests at heart.

Wake up, America; there are weasels in the henhouse.

Obama told David Letterman that there’s been “too little government…(and)…regulation”. Yes; big government always knows best! And the bigger it gets, the better it knows.

Obama and his radical, left-wing cronies detest everything America has traditionally embodied since 1776. They advocate policies which would vastly increase governmental influence, further intruding upon personal freedoms, and totally bankrupt the nation.

They work to undermine and destroy the Founding Father’s system, and our standing in the world.

One word: Czars.

Nearly 40 of them, all attending to powerful concerns, all answering only to Obama, none permitted by the Constitution. If Bush had done this, the liberals and their media would have been absolutely livid; hysterical. Obama is openly doing what they accused Bush of doing in the shadows, for eight years: directly undermining the Constitution. Where's the outrage?

Even fellow Democrat Robert Byrd, the Grand Old Man of the Senate and a respected Constituional scholar, wrote Obama, protesting this. He was either ignored, or the incident was downplayed.

Obama sides with our enemies.

He’s dropped the "missle shield" program, and thusly abandoned our allies, Poland and Czechoslovakia, to whatever fate Iran’s Ahmedinejhad and Vladimir Putin, Russia’s ex-KGB Godfather, have for them, and seems okay with Iran--repeatedly promising to obliterate Israel--building nukes. Although, he did recently put them “on notice”. I’m sure they’re quaking with fear.

His buddy, Venezuela’s Commie boss Hugo Chavez is--with Russia’s assistance--building a nuclear plant, “for peaceful purposes of energy production”.

Isn’t that why Iran wanted one, too?

Iran and Venezuela; two countries ruled by ambitious tyrants. Both, sitting on oceans of oil, and they need nuclear power?

Up-‘n’-at’em America; it’s getting late. We’ve elected the enemy, and we can't count on the media to call them on it.

on Sep 28, 2009

Very well put. And sadly true.

Speaking of screwing allies and media bias...


Obama basically called for splitting israel and ending its "occupations" a few days ago. The media is silent.

on Sep 28, 2009

I guess this is why when Liberal talk show hosts (Bill Maher, Don Imus) say offensive things, they get punished, but when Conservative talk show hosts (Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh) say offensive things, nothing happens to them.

on Sep 28, 2009

I guess this is why when Liberal talk show hosts (Bill Maher, Don Imus) say offensive things, they get punished, but when Conservative talk show hosts (Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh) say offensive things, nothing happens to them.

What, exactly, has happened to Maher? He says some of the most hurtful or outrageous things, but no one ever seems to call him on it. In fact, he's a popular guest on late night talk shows. He's really hurting.

Glenn Beck? What're you talking about?

Beck's had his name dragged through the mud; in fact I just got an ad on my Facebook account "Denouce Glenn Beck for his hate speech" or something like that. He's had sponsors drop out, he's been threatened with bodily harm, I understand even his family's been threatened. Yeah, nothing's happened to him.

The Imus flap was overblown; the main reason was only because he made the mistake of commenting on black females. He's still working, I might add.

You k now what really amazes and frightens me? How easily these lies are planted and grown by unscrupulous media types. Dowd wrote that the "unspoken word" she heard was "boy".

She admits, right there in the original article, that he never actually said it; yet, people like Maher, Jimmy Carter, etc., take the inference and run with it, pretending that, and making it seem like, he actually DID say it, and people are buying right into it, too. As disingenuous as you can get.

Truth is lies, lies are truth. Welcome to 1984.

I can almost guarantee that in 5 years, history will remember Wilson as that racist bastard who called Obama "boy" on the floor of the Senate. Even though he did no such thing.

on Sep 29, 2009

I'm referring to their respective networks.

on Sep 29, 2009

I'm referring to their respective networks.


Again, what're you talking about? I notice you don't debate the premise of th article, though; that's refreshing.