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Good for him!
Published on March 6, 2009 By Rightwinger In Politics

I recently found myself in a rather odd situation; that is, actually agreeing with a Democratic Senator. That’s right…..and it felt strange. My world was upside down; I felt as if I was going a little crazy. But no.....
I actually agreed with Sen. Robert Byrd, when he said that Obama appointing “czars” of health reform, urban affairs policy, and energy and climate change would amount to a “power grab” by the Executive Branch.
Byrd said that such positions “can threaten the Constitutional system of checks and balances. At the worst, White House staff have taken direction and control of programmatic areas that are the statutory responsibility of Senate-confirmed officials.”
Byrd continued, saying,
“As presidential assistants and advisers, these White House staffers are not accountable for their actions to the Congress, to cabinet officials, (or) to virtually anyone, but the president”.
“They rarely testify before congressional committees, and often shield the information and decision-making process behind the assertion of executive privilege. In too many instances, White House staff have been allowed to inhibit openness and transparency, and reduce accountability.”
In essence, Obama is coalescing power to himself, by creating a small cadre of toadies and cronies (much as outraged, utterly scandalized Democrats and liberals long accused Bush, but are now oddly silent) to work directly under, and answerable only to, him.
Is this the American way? These people, supposedly, are to posses power and abilities that no one in government should; so much so that it concerns even someone of the respected stature in Washington as Robert Byrd. Good for him.
This is clearly an end-run around the Constitution; the “most ethical”, and “most transparent administration” ever, is already being criticized, after little more than a month, by the Grand Old Man of the Senate, Robert Byrd, who rarely criticizes Presidents of his own party.
Does this bode well for the American Republic?
Have any of you Obamaniacs started to question your support for this hard-left, would-be dictator? Are any of you starting to see where this country is headed?
Let me help: it’s now headed in the very direction you so hysterically---and in the end, erroneously--accused Bush of trying to take it. This time, though, it’s your guy, so you’ll sit back and let it happen, because he’d never do that. Right?
Obama also chooses Kathleen Sebelius, former governor of Kansas--and a raving “moonbat” liberal--as Secretary of Health and Human Resources. Well…..I can only imagine where this appointment could end up.
Sebelius is a radical pro-abortion zealot who, while in office, openly and actively opposed any attempts to limit abortion in any way, shape or form.
Unlimited, government-funded abortions, anyone?
Sebelius frequently schmoozed with “infamous late-term abortionist” George Tiller, who donated thousands of dollars to her campaign.
How many of you rank-and-file Democrats out there can honestly support the appointing of people like this to positions of power? How many of you honestly support the “right”--open access--to free and unfettered abortions, especially for teenage girls? Not all that many, I'd guess....I'd hope. However; that’s the goal, people….no limits for the Roe v. Wade faithful.
Why do we have to get these background details from talk radio and conservative internet news sources?
Where is the “watchdog” media in all of this? They sure watched Bush pretty closely, and howled at every move he made.

on Mar 06, 2009




on Mar 06, 2009

My only problem with Byrd here is that he could stand up and voice some concerns about the fact that Obama has yet to produce a valid birth certificate. The old man's supposed to be such a "Constitutional scholar"; you'd think he'd find that fact a little disconcerting, constitutionally speaking.