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...of a rabid conservative
Published on March 4, 2009 By Rightwinger In US Domestic

Random Thoughts:

After Obama’s first speech before Congress, even conservative and Republican pundits and leaders couldn’t wait to jump on the “History-in-the Making” Obama Praisewagon. Will this endless worship never end? It’s gotten old.
The liberals are even worse, of course. Although, after eight years of despising and denigrating the President with barely-contained hysterics and outrage in the name of “objective journalism”, I suppose one could be overcome with this new set of standards by which to judge. That is…none. Whatever Obama wants is okay with the media-at-large.

During his speech, Obama made sure to heap praise and worship on public school teachers and their union. He’s so consumed with admiration, compassion and concern for them, and the astonishing quality of the education public schools provide, that he sends his own daughters to the exclusive, private Sidwell Friends School, in Washington, D.C.
But, the infinitely liberal Teacher’s Union is one of the biggest Democratic Party contributors, and utterly supported him and his platform….so..... What hypocrisy.

Speaking of hypocrisy, a newly-released study found that internet pornography usage in the conservative, so-called “Red States” is ever-so-slightly higher than in the more liberal “Blue States”. Media liberals love this story.
These findings are often reported, by media talking heads, with a slight smirk and obviously barely-contained, salacious glee.
Now, we’re talking a high of less than 5.5 subscriptions--per 1000--in Utah, down to 1.92 in Montana, and it’s considered a huge, newsworthy deal. Are there no liberals living in red states, too, potentially skewing those numbers? Nah…..
But Barack the Backdoor Socialist getting us a trillion dollars deeper into debt--without the people voting for the bill even reading it, and against the wishes of 86% of their constituents--well…..ignore that; there’s a minuscule amount of conservative/religious/family-values hypocrisy to obsess over!                                                                                            Ann Coulter once said something to the effect that, "liberals can't seriously fault Christian ideals, so instead they fault Christians for not being able to hold to those ideals." How true.
I guess, when certain people consider it important to observe at least some moral standards, the ones who don’t do so will always be perversely happy to smugly point out even their minor hypocrisies.

West Virginia Delegate Jeff Eldridge wants to ban Barbie and other, similar dolls from stores in WV. Eldridge said:“I just hate the image that we give to our kids that if you're beautiful, you're beautiful and you don't have to be smart and I'd like to send a message to not only our children but parents and educators that let's push education over the importance of beauty.”
So…..unemployment’s up, the NYSE’s down, we’re $1,000,000,000,000,000 dollars deeper in debt, when nobody even wanted it….and he’s worried about the messages kids get from their dolls (which also, I might add, represent a multi-billion-dollar industry).
We’d better ban superhero toys then, too; after all, little boys who can’t fly, lift planets, shoot webs, or beat-up psychotic criminals with green hair; well….they might get confused or depressed!
And sports equipment….some kids are better than others at sports; can’t let them find that out…oh, the indignity!

I didn’t even need to hear the rest of the story, to instinctively know that this moron was a Democrat

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