A place for me to pour out my rants without clogging the inboxes of my friends and family. Also a place to give info on myself and Mary, our family news and events.
....looks like we're all safe, now. WHEW!
Published on February 17, 2009 By Rightwinger In US Domestic

It becomes ever clearer where the priorities of the Obama Administration lie; not satisfied with merely cutting the defense budget---in wartime, mind you---by $55 billion, the Justice Dept. recently, and very quietly, moved agents from counter-terrorism to anti-fraud. That's right; instead of watching for terrorists who want to kill you and destroy our nation, they'll instead be looking for people (especially rich people, bet on it)who are stealing money.                                                                                                                                     

Now, it seems to me that catching 50 Bernie Madoffs or Kenneth Lays might count for little, if thousands die because a chemical or, God forbid, a nuclear, weapon, got by because the FBI was staking out mansions and penthouses, rather than mosques, taxi stands and 7-11s.

The FBI's (and CIA's) record since 2001, despite the tears of liberals in the media, endlessly questioning "how safe are we, really/how safe do you feel?" for the last 8 years, has been nothing short of stellar. Okay....there was crime going on that they might have caught, in other circumstances; but hey, we're at war. War often requires a re-distribution of resources, folks. That's common sense.

This new war, however, will require a re-distribution of wealth.

It seems that, in Obama's upside-down world, the Evil Wealthy Capitalists are far, far more dangerous to the lives and well-being of Americans than, say, the America-hating, homicidally insane terrorists lurking about, skulking in the shadows. Shadows which, I might add, are now much less likely to be illuminated, since national defense and the War on Terror take lower priority than the burgeoning War on American Capitalism, the opening volley of which was fired today, in Denver. They're still there, though; waiting patiently for our guard to be lowered. Lowered, as in a shifting of resources from monitoring terrorist activity to looking for crooks.

Fear not America; now that The Messiah has arrived, the jihad we all feared for so long is over. The world loves us again; the Muslim whackjobs in the bomb vests no longer want to kill you. Praise him! PRAISE THE GRACIOUS, MIGHTY AND POWERFUL "O"!!

You know; I'm an epileptic---perhaps if I can just touch the hem of his Empty Suit as he passes, I will be healed. If not, I'll just wait until Universal Health Care (Socialized Medicine) kicks in; it shouldn't be long.

After all, the bare bones of the system's implementation were all snuggly and tight, hidden deep inside the stimulus bill that nobody who voted for it bothered to read.                                                                             

I guess "the most ethical congress in history"(--Nancy Pelosi, 2006, a lie) and "the most ethical administration in history" (--Barack Obama, 2009, already a lie) are working well together; the backroom secrets and typically underhanded politics-as-usual tricks have started already. They can just rubber-stamp, (or should I say "frog-march"?) this country the rest of the way into socialism. We've been headed down that road, anyway, since 1933.

With the above-mentioned re-ordering of the FBI, the order to close Gitmo signed, sealed and delivered, and the assurances that "torture" (waterboarding) is no longer an option, we have proven to our hate-filled, psychotic enemies how much kinder and gentler the Obama Administration is, compared to that other guy. You know, that moronic, smirking chimp, towel-snapping fratboy who somehow kept American soil terrorist-free for so long?

How safe do you feel now, America?

on Feb 17, 2009

Not to worry, RW, the Civilian National Defense Force will fill the gap.  Remember the 2.5 million jobs BO's gonna create?  There ya go.

on Feb 17, 2009

One word.


on Feb 17, 2009

Not to worry, RW, the Civilian National Defense Force will fill the gap.  Remember the 2.5 million jobs BO's gonna create?  There ya go.

Of course! That never occured to me.....wow. Now I see. Thanks for the heads-up.

One word.


A lot more than we were in December, that's for sure.

Is that avatar a picture of the "Whomping Willow"?

on Feb 17, 2009

Is that avatar a picture of the "Whomping Willow"?

I dunno.

It was created by an artist for desktop background.  It's one of those pics that made me stop and stare, so now its mine. 

Looks like a woman in the middle doesn't it?

on Feb 18, 2009

Now, it seems to me that catching 50 Bernie Madoffs or Kenneth Lays might count for little, if thousands die because a chemical or, God forbid, a nuclear, weapon, got by because the FBI was staking out mansions and penthouses, rather than mosques, taxi stands and 7-11s.

Well, if they actually start doing this, his Administration Cabinate will be empty before the end of the year with all the "tax avoiding" people he likes to hire.

on Feb 18, 2009


Now, it seems to me that catching 50 Bernie Madoffs or Kenneth Lays might count for little, if thousands die because a chemical or, God forbid, a nuclear, weapon, got by because the FBI was staking out mansions and penthouses, rather than mosques, taxi stands and 7-11s.

Well, if they actually start doing this, his Administration Cabinate will be empty before the end of the year with all the "tax avoiding" people he likes to hire.

You're probably right, but if that happened, I'm sure Der Kommisar would let them pass.

on Feb 18, 2009

rather than mosques, taxi stands and 7-11s.

Mmm, stereotypes.


on Feb 18, 2009

....but all stereotypes have at least SOME basis in fact, or they wouldn't be stereotypes!


I'm glad at least SOMEBODY got it, though! Geesh!

on Mar 22, 2009

Truthfully, It is all going crazy.  The government has already made us more socialized in two months, than what they had been able to do in over 20 years.  Even Bush had a hand in it with the first stimulus package.  All three of the stimulus packages, and the TART and other bills so far have made it where the american people are now so in debt to the American government that we would all have to give them our paychecks for the next twenty years to pay it off.  If that is not bad enough, the budget that Obama has proposed is the first of many that will be released.  Remember, he gets to release two budgets a year, so that is eight budgets.  Let's hope that we get a different Congress and Senate in 2010.