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"This is the National Kitsch..."--Joseph Goebbels
Published on January 25, 2009 By Rightwinger In US Domestic

You know, the Nazis actually passed an "anti-kitsch law", prohibiting stuff like this......(click link)


Wonder if the Obama Regime will do the same?


(By the way, you do realize what the first item displayed is, right?)

on Jan 26, 2009

You just gotta love Cracked.


And you have to wonder who the hell thinks up these stupid products...


on Jan 26, 2009

My personal favorite is the painting of "Barack Obacca". Our President as a Wookie of Kasshyykk is just sooo coool!

on Jan 26, 2009

Rightwinger beat me to it!  That's my fav too...and yes, I do know what that first one is...gag

on Jan 26, 2009

Does anyone else see the ad for the Obama T-shirt?  He's Super-O! :0  I guess that's for O-shit, our country's going in the crapper


on Jan 26, 2009

The first one is very symbolic.

on Feb 02, 2009

Rightwinger beat me to it!  That's my fav too...and yes, I do know what that first one is...gag

Dr Guy
The first one is very symbolic.

Does anyone know if there's a similar Clinton sex toy product? That would be hilariously appropriate.


And how 'bout them Steelers, huh?!
Was that, or was that not a Super Bowl to remember?

on Feb 04, 2009


Quoting JillUser, reply 3Rightwinger beat me to it!  That's my fav too...and yes, I do know what that first one is...gag

Quoting Dr Guy, reply 5The first one is very symbolic.

Does anyone know if there's a similar Clinton sex toy product? That would be hilariously appropriate.


And how 'bout them Steelers, huh?!
Was that, or was that not a Super Bowl to remember?
Now I was cheering for the cards ( I am not a fan of them , but I know brewers baseball, so I know how it going so long without playoffs or even a ring...so gotta choose the little guy ) But yeah that was a great super bowl



on Feb 04, 2009

but I know brewers baseball, so I know how it going so long without playoffs or even a ring...so gotta choose the little guy
---Well, as for baseball; 2009 makes 30 years since The Bucko's won the series, let alone even made it. I'm starting to understand how the Cubs and Sox fans felt. I mean, the Steelers had a long dry spell there, too; their last Super Bowl win before 2006 was in 1979. "The Year of the Champions", I remember it well. Pittsburgh had these big banners up everywhere; "City of Champions". Then it all turned to liquid crap until '95, when the Steelers finally made it again.

But at least they made it once in between--1995, even though they lost--and were in the playoffs numerous times. I don't think the Pirates have even been in the running since '79.

"Now I was cheering for the cards"
--We can forgive you for that... I suppose.