A place for me to pour out my rants without clogging the inboxes of my friends and family. Also a place to give info on myself and Mary, our family news and events.
How are we different?
Published on January 15, 2009 By Rightwinger In US Domestic

Y'know, I always thought profiling was a bad thing; liberals sure do hate it, even when it works. Maybe especially then; it often proves their ideological faiths to be misplaced.

I've been engaged for some time now, in an ongoing debate in my local paper's Editorial/Opinion pages. For several months, another writer has been blatantly ‘profiling’ me.

It’s amusing, really, this tendency liberals have, to assume that every Republican-voting, Limbaugh-listening conservative—we who so unreasonably expect able-bodied people to at least try helping themselves, rather than draining public-funded government entitlement programs—must unquestionably be wealthy, living in comfort and privilege. That we simply MUST be rich bastards, standing self-righteously on the weary, bloodied backs of the poor and working class, coldly exploiting them and blithely dismissing their suffering and plight.

Of course, that’s the Marxist nonsense they’ve long been spoon-fed and now readily absorb, accepting it without forethough.

She assumes that, “through….accident of birth, privilege or education”, my life is “tied up in a pretty little bundle”.

In another, earlier letter, she’d “wager” that I earn much more than the poverty level of $25,000/year. Well, she’d lose that bet, and I'd gleefully show her my W2.
I’m a factory-worker; my wife, the college-educated one in the house, does much better, but even together, we make less than $50,000/year.

Answering an earlier letter which I wrote in response to one written by yet another writer--suggesting back-handedly that we should dump Capitalism for "the liberal way" (which I, reading the whole thing, interpereted as a vote for Socialism, even Communism)--this woman deems it a "fairy tale that if you ‘work for it’ in a Capitalist system, you’ll have everything you need”.

Well, yes; I agree that failure and hardship are a possibility. In a Capitalist society, however, you can always try again. That’s the key; that's what's wonderful about it.
In that earlier letter, I admitted Capitalism’s imperfections; but I firmly stand by a statement that American-style Capitalism is still the best.

“Why are bankers getting bailouts?” she petulantly asked; I don’t know…that’s blatant Socialism; most true conservatives opposed it. I know I did, as did Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and the other talk radio conservatives she hatefully denigrates. Though, we unbdoubtedly opposed it for much different reasons.

The economy suffers, partly, thanks to abuse of the Community Re-Investment Act of 1977.

Passed under Carter and the Democrat-controlled Congress, banks were encouraged to loan to people who couldn’t afford to repay. This idea, though impractical, isn't so terrible, really, and probably seemed great to the ever-compassionate Democrat lawmakers at the time.

However, co-Presidents Clinton later usurped it as a means to buy votes from their poorer constituents. To this end, they strengthened it, compelling banks to loan to risky applicants; to make certain numbers of these loans, or else…ahem…future...ahem...problems could…ahem….arise in transactions with the federal government. Ahem.

That's called extortion, and the Clintons could give lessons to the mafia's Gambino Family.

For decades, billions in these bad loans, made much worse, of course, by the meddling of the Clintons, were carried, bought and sold between lending institutions.
Buying nothing for something only works for so long, until the stress it places on the economy has a negative effect. Which it obviously has.

In that earlier letter,I mentioned the fact that Fidel Castro, devoted Communist leader, is worth an estimated $500 million.

My opponent leapt to his defense, explaining that his presidency of Cuba places him in control of all the businesses there, and that the (Forbes Magazine) $500 million estimate stems from that.

This is akin, she said, to saying that a "bank president is worth (the total) assets of his bank".

Multi-millionaire Communist Castro isn’t a “bank president”, though; he’s a typically
corrupt, hypocritical Communist dictator, living in self-serving luxury, all the while, keeping his people in grinding, hopeless poverty.

That's why dozens of them every year remove the doors from their hovels and gather scraps of wood, to build rickety boats and risk death attempting to escape to Florida.
She also wndered what might happen to this poor, Third World nation if only the evil US would lift its shameful embargo. However, Cuba trades openly with many nations; yet, mysteriously, it somehow remains a hellhole of oppression and injustice.
Liberals love brutal dictators, especially communists; they’re archetypes of the big, centralized government, to which liberalism aspires.

Not all liberals are blatant leftists, of course, but many are; too often, they’re the ones writing the agendas. The rank and file liberals/Democrats never seem to want to accept this, though, and have simply allowed their ideals to be hijacked by the Radical Far Left.

One big difference between conservatives and liberals is this: conservatives won’t consider ourselves victims, shamefully blaming others for our shortcomings and failures, as liberals will.

We also tend more toward (pragmatic) optimism, while liberals gravitate toward pessimism. Except, of course, in the matters of social science. Here, liberals are always starry-eyed dreamers, endlessly expecting people to resist human nature and always do the right thing. They continue in this belief, despite ongoing disappointments and obvious, irrefutable proof that their ideals are impractical (see the first line, refering to profiling). They simpy ignore this proof, however, and roll on, obliviously.

Also, conservatives don’t engage in class envy; there are people vastly more wealthy than myself. So?

See, for myself, I don't lie awake nights, stewing spitefully over the knowledge that there are people who make more money than I do.

One of them---a very nice old man, by the way--employs me and signs my paychecks. I don't hate him for his years of hard work and success; I'm glad for him, and for the job he gave me. I don't want to punish him with higher taxes and stricter regulations; this could have the (typically unintended, surely) consequence of me losing my job.
Of course, that would, in turn, increase the chance of my having to go on the government dole, which is the preferred social status of liberals everywhere, for the masses (but not for the liberals themselves, mind you).

My well-informed, though typically caustic, liberal opponent in this debate, seeing everywhere evidence of ‘The Man’ keepin’ everyone down, has by now surely won her “Victim Status” merit badge; this, coupled with her staunch defense of Fidel Castro, has doubtlessly earned her the liberal/Left’s equivalent of “Eagle Scout”. I really pity her for her dim, constricted outlook on life.

Opportunity in America is what you make of it, or don’t.

It’s still up to you. And her.

on Jan 15, 2009

Excellent summation of your frustration with the idiots.  I remarked in an earlier comment on another blog that liberals are very science illiterate.  Well, economics is a science as well.

This idea, though impractical, isn't so terrible, really, and probably seemed great to the ever-compassionate Democrat lawmakers at the time.

This goes directly to oneof the core differences between liberals and conservatives.  To a conservative, results matter.  to a liberal, only intentions do.

Opportunity in America is what you make of it, or don’t.

And that is another key difference.  A self truth that the founding fathers knew (and why america was created) liberals do not see it that way.  They see it is "opportunity in America is what Government makes it, or does not".

Good to see you posting again.

on Jan 15, 2009

Excellent summation of your frustration with the idiots. I remarked in an earlier comment on another blog that liberals are very science illiterate. Well, economics is a science as well.

Very true; the woman believes devoutly in global warming, despite the rock-bottom temps and early snows we've been seeing. She refuse to accept any other views. She is, truly, a typical liberal.

And that is another key difference. A self truth that the founding fathers knew (and why america was created) liberals do not see it that way. They see it is "opportunity in America is what Government makes it, or does not".

Again, very true; we'll see how long that truth survives after January 20th.

Good to see you posting again.

 Thanks....good to be back. And good to see you still around. Now that we have the Net at home, again, I can be in and out a little more frequently.

on Jan 15, 2009

Again, very true; we'll see how long that truth survives after January 20th.

Jan 20th is one of those moments that I, both, can't wait to see happen (and every day that follows it) and fear it at the same time.

It's like wanting to watch lava destroy everying upclose and personal and not wanting to get burned at the same time.

on Jan 15, 2009

What really is sad about our country is that it is the same people that we put in office the ones who are making sure our country is divided. I mean, one can not mention anything political without starting a fire of arguments that burn faster than a wildfire in a dry field, on a dry day, with the winds blowing hard and the field drenched in gasoline. Makinh enemies thru politics seems a whole lot easier these days.

on Jan 15, 2009

I enjoyed the read

on Jan 15, 2009

What really is sad about our country is that it is the same people that we put in office the ones who are making sure our country is divided. I mean, one can not mention anything political without starting a fire of arguments that burn faster than a wildfire in a dry field, on a dry day, with the winds blowing hard and the field drenched in gasoline. Makinh enemies thru politics seems a whole lot easier these days.

America hasn't been this divided in probably 140 years, and that counts Vietnam. Politicians, however, will always be politicians. Presidents are always derided during their terms; history will have to see what happens with Bush, for us to properly judge. Same with Obama, yes, but he's lowballing right off the mound. Jimmy Carter II, or worse; at least Carter was a governor.

Jan 20th is one of those moments that I, both, can't wait to see happen (and every day that follows it) and fear it at the same time.

It's like wanting to watch lava destroy everying upclose and personal and not wanting to get burned at the same time.


To quote my favorite President, "Ah feel yer pain." I wonder how long it will take before the idiots who voted for him realize that he's NOT the Living End, and is just another Beltway con artist? or even lower on the scale.



on Jan 15, 2009

Nitro Cruiser
I enjoyed the read


I'm glad...ya'll c'mback now, y'hear?

on Jan 15, 2009

i gotta agree, What you get out of America is what you put into it. I think those liberals otta swallow their tongues. 

on Jan 16, 2009

i gotta agree, What you get out of America is what you put into it. I think those liberals otta swallow their tongues.

I wouldn't mind so much, but when they give the left a free pass on things they would rail the right on (hypocrisy) that's what chaps my @ss. They can dislike something all they want, but be consistent, not just when one group favors an issue or not.

on Jan 16, 2009

I wouldn't mind so much, but when they give the left a free pass on things they would rail the right on (hypocrisy) that's what chaps my @ss. They can dislike something all they want, but be consistent, not just when one group favors an issue or not.

I agree, Obama's picks for his administration are a prime example of "it's a bad thing unless it's a Democrat doing it".

Take the latest goof up of a choice for Secretary of Treasury I believe. Not only does he own back taxes from years ago but he also hired an illegal immigrant a sa maid. What great examples Obama choses, this is definitely change in deed (not).

on Jan 16, 2009

Great article, I have nothing to add, except where the hell have you been?

on Jan 17, 2009


I wouldn't mind so much, but when they give the left a free pass on things they would rail the right on (hypocrisy) that's what chaps my @ss. They can dislike something all they want, but be consistent, not just when one group favors an issue or not.
I agree, Obama's picks for his administration are a prime example of "it's a bad thing unless it's a Democrat doing it".

Take the latest goof up of a choice for Secretary of Treasury I believe. Not only does he own back taxes from years ago but he also hired an illegal immigrant a sa maid. What great examples Obama choses, this is definitely change in deed (not).


Yeah I went around with a bunch of BO lovers on this the other day. I swear I am the only person that actually points out stuff like this and man did they try spinning it whichever way. I got fustrating and I didnt want to get banned so I stopped. Ill let the actions speak for themselves.



BTW sense when has poverty lvl been at 25K? Heck i can do a family of 4 on that!

on Jan 19, 2009