If there's one thing that alarms me more than seeing little kids running wild, unattended or unable to be controlled by the parents, it is children over two years old still using a binky.
The other day, I was in line at the grocery store, and there was a woman ahead of me, conversing openly with her daughter, seated in the basket's kiddie seat, legs dangling almost to her mother's knees. The child was using a binky. Now, I'm no pediatrician or child care specialist (I'm just a parent..heh heh), but it seems to me that, if the kid is old enough to be talking, in complete sentences especially, around the binky, he/she is too old for the binky.
I was at a restaurant one evening some years ago, and saw a not-so-little girl (maybe about 5 or 6, school-age, at least) with TWO binkies in her mouth. Her teeth were terribly mal-formed, having no doubt come in around the pacifier(s) as they were cut. I can only imagine what her family dentist or orthodontist would have say about this.
Now, this is entirely an uneducated guess, but could it be that this could cause some sort of oral fixation in adolescence or adulthood(.......which could be a good thing for future boyfriends/girlfriends, I suppose), if the pacifier is not disposed of at a reasonable time ?
It can't be good for you.