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Like we didn't know that already
Published on November 12, 2008 By Rightwinger In US Domestic


The liberal Media-at-Large has spent the last year or so in spasms of rapturous ecstasy, hyperventilating like Beatles fans in 1964 at every idle utterance of B. H. Obama, our soon-to-be President.
Brainwashing generations of willing Republicans, Democrats, and their liberal/leftist hangers-on--and browbeating the rest of us—they carried him to the White House, by endlessly regaling Americans with tales of his imposing brilliance, his blinding greatness and his totally awesome awesomeness.
I’m glad the election’s finally over, if only to get a break from the ceaseless praise and worship of His Unapproachable Greatness, Lord Barack the First.
Now, however, comes the Media’s “Cover Your Backside” period, in which they’ve begun referring to various, rather innocuous, items concerning him, his schedule and manner of doing things, as “creepy”.
Yes, this Great Man for whom they were endlessly cheerleading a little over a week ago, the Media Elite now somehow perceive as “creepy”; also, now that he’s in, they’ve finally begun admitting that they “really don’t know much about him. Who is Barack Obama, really?”
They would ask this now, questioning the weird Cult of Personality they, themselves, constructed around him. I mean, maybe they should’ve considered that, oh, perhaps a year or so ago? Might’ve been nice to look at that first, way back then, rather than just diving in and breathing deep? Why do they do this now, you may ask?
Well; they threw the whole might of the American Media behind an almost total unknown; all they knew, and required, of him was that he was a handsome, seemingly intelligent, nominally eloquent, liberal Democrat. Oh yes; and he was black; that didn’t hurt, either, I’m sure.
But….if/when he turns out to be a massive, stinkeroo dud, this will enable them to pretend that the yearlong orgy of blatant propaganda didn’t happen; they’ll just say “see, we tried to tell you! He's creepy!”. Also, it gives them the appearance of objectivity, even though everyone knows the Media haven’t been truly objective since…? Well, before I was born, anyway.
Also, His Exalted Greatness seems to have conjured, out of the ether, an altogether-new bureaucratic entity. Called the “Office of the President-Elect”, it did not exist in The American Republic, in any form, until Obama’s Ascension; it wasn’t required by any incoming President-elect in the 200-plus years of the Presidency.
And, he was granted his first conference/briefing with the sitting President less than a week after the election, an honor traditionally not accorded, I understand, until a month or more after. Of course, when you’ve elected a Chief Executive whose record is naked as a newborn babe, I’d suppose as quick a jump-start on things as possible is advisable.
So, congratulations to Barack Obama, the Democrats and their liberal comrades (a particular word I do not use lightly); and good luck to the rest of us. I suspect we may need it.

Two things may come out of Obama’s presidency:
1.) Thanks to Political Correctness, one may not be able to seriously criticize the man, without being called a racist; this is a very common occurance, and we see it happen all the time.                                                                      

2.) The absolute necessity of open criticism of government to a free and democratic republic might, finally, serve to put the first nail in the coffin of Political Correctness.

I would hope for the latter, but fear we’ll get the former.

on Nov 12, 2008

To be fair Jesus was kind of creepy too.  I mean, raising people from the dead...that's pretty creepy.


on Nov 12, 2008

Two things may come out of Obama’s presidency:
1.) Thanks to Political Correctness, one may not be able to seriously criticize the man, without being called a racist; this is a very common occurance, and we see it happen all the time.                                                                      

2.) The absolute necessity of open criticism of government to a free and democratic republic might, finally, serve to put the first nail in the coffin of Political Correctness.

I would hope for the latter, but fear we’ll get the former.


I see that as a distinct possibility, as well, and wonder how much of that will bleed over into a dampening of Government criticism overall. A reverse scenario #2, if you will.

Now that would definitely be creepy!

on Nov 12, 2008

Look at how the media is attacking that woman who's on the internet saying "f**k Obama, he's not my president".  Yeah, there's a little kid there that she has repeating her, and this is obviously poor parenting.  We see examples of poor parenting all the time.  I think that the huge amount of demonizing we see of this woman is due to Rightwinger's prediction of political correctness curtailing free speech.  This is how it starts out.  Someday soon, people will be crying for the government to "stop outrageous behavior like this", then boom!  We've willed ourselves right out of liberty.

on Nov 12, 2008

P.S.  Was off the map for a while, wife was in the hospital.  All is well now.

on Nov 13, 2008

To be fair Jesus was kind of creepy too.  I mean, raising people from the dead...that's pretty creepy.

But Jesus was opposed by the media and hated by anti-Semites.


Incidentally, I believe that the removal of Saddam from power gave us a great chance to achieve peace in the middle east. The removal of the PLO's last powerful supporter lead to the end of the war between Israel and the PLO and the rise of Iran and her allies. The rise of Iran has rallied Sunni Arabs and made them realise that Israel is not their worst enemy.

If Obama can use this situation to achieve a peace, I cannot see how liberals can still condemn George Bush for doing all the work.

And if Obama feels that the world and Iraq were better off under Saddam, he can certainly give his support to the Baath militia in Tikrit and help them into power.


In related news, the Iraqi parliament has (illegally) lifted the immunity of an MP who visited Israel.

The world has changed under George Bush.

Let's see if Obama can change it at all.


But if in four years we are back where we started before 2001, I won't be very happy.



on Nov 13, 2008

“really don’t know much about him. Who is Barack Obama, really?”

I have already been slammed for asking that exact question (I pushed back on the slammer).

If Obama can use this situation to achieve a peace, I cannot see how liberals can still condemn George Bush for doing all the work.

You dont know American Liberals very well.  They still will, and attribute all the good to Barak the First.  I have seen it too often, even of late trying to credit Carter with the successes of Reagan.  It is pathetic, but for the feeble of mind, it works.

on Nov 13, 2008

You dont know American Liberals very well. They still will, and attribute all the good to Barak the First. I have seen it too often, even of late trying to credit Carter with the successes of Reagan. It is pathetic, but for the feeble of mind, it works.

Don't forget that everything bad that happened during Bush's first term was Bush's fault but everything good was Clinton's hard work. Kinda funny how that works, right?

on Nov 13, 2008

Heard the latest?  They are asking if the republicans will get funny now - like the democrats were for the past 8 years (funny?  a string of 4 letter curse words was ok when Carlin did it, but not the rest of the left doing it constantly).