A place for me to pour out my rants without clogging the inboxes of my friends and family. Also a place to give info on myself and Mary, our family news and events.
Published on October 2, 2004 By Rightwinger In Misc
I work with the public, and have noticed something over the years that really amuses me:

Anyone who owns a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, it seems, has to own not just the bike, but absolutely everything that has the HD logo on it. Everything they own has to have the HD on it somewhere.

There was a guy who used to come into the restaurant I worked in back in West Virginia; from hat to boots, everything he wore-----EVERY TIME HE CAME IN-----which was frequently, he was a regular----was a Harley product. He probably even had Harley underwear and socks, for God's sake. Appropriately, we called him "Harley."

My old girlfriend's dad was a Harley guy. True to form, most of his wardrobe consisted of black T-shirts and leather vests and jackets with the Harley logo. When he and his wife went to Vegas, the first thing they did was visit the biggest Harley dealership there and buy t-shirts. I told my g/f that, when she got married, not to be surprised if her dad showed up in a leather tux with HD on the back and on the pocket, and probably embroidered on the hankey, too.

I was at Sears one day afew years ago; I was there to purchase a socket set that they had on sale.
There was a Harley guy there, too. He'd come to buy the socket set, but when he saw another that had the Harley logo on it, he decided that saving the money on the sale set was less important than paying fifty dollars more than what the "sale" set cost, at regular price, for the Harley socket set. I wonder what the difference was? Do they make that patented Harley "roar" noise when you turn them, maybe?

It's not bad enough that they pay more for a motorcycle than some people pay for their homes, but they then feel compelled to walk around as billboards, giving free advertisement to the company that graciously stripped them of perhaps twenty grand, give or take, for two wheels and a motor. Granted, I may be way off there...I've never even priced a Harley, but I know they ain't cheap. I do know my cousin bought one for thirty grand, though.

I also get a laugh out of the nerdy, middle-aged Poindexters who buy Harleys during their mid-life crises and go "whole hog" (pun intended), buying all the leather accessories and doodads and geegaws that go along with the "outlaw biker" look, as ordained by the fashion arbiters at HD.
I see them on highways all the time, the "weekend rebels", I call them, tearing down the road, zooming around, wandering with no real destination in mind, only out there to show off their "Hog" and all its trappings.
What makes me laugh is how far they go to look tough and "rebellious"....I just wonder, though, how many actual "outlaw biker" rebels had twenty grand to lay out for their wheels?

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