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Kansas tornado victims used as a political weapon
Published on May 15, 2007 By Rightwinger In US Domestic
The text below is taken from www.warroom.com, the website of the "Quinn and Rose Show", a Pittsburgh-based morning talk show. I was listening the morning Quinn broke the story. He reiterated today that they stand by their source, and are receiving "Cease and Desist" threats from DNC lawyers. I bet; hand in the cookie jar time.
They were on Hannity with it, too, as she relates in the article. I'm glad they took it on the road; word of this needs to get out. This is just too sleazy to be believed, even for the sociopathic Democrats. For audio of the broadcast, just go to the site; you'll find the link toward the middle section of the homepage.----RW

BREAKING NEWS From the Quinn and Rose Show
10 May 2007
"Same Words -- Different Mouth Piece"
By Rose
PLEASE NOTE: The following is information we have received from a reliable source. We have never been misinformed by this person in the past.

After Mother Nature did a number on the good people of Kansas, Governor Sebilius did a "Mother" of all numbers on the American people -- especially the people in Greensburg, Kansas.

Kansas Kathleen Sebelius had said that because Bush sent too many of our National Guard Members and resources to Iraq -- there weren't enough left to go around in Kansas. After those remarks to the media, she made a phone call to Senator Sam Brownback (R).

Keep in mind that Governor Sebelius has a decent relationship with Senator Brownback and other Kansas Republicans. In fact, she has, for the most part, led as a moderate rather than a liberal in Kansas.

According to our source; during her phone conversation with the Senator, she offered an excuse for her words to the media. She explained that because everything is so political right now -- she was told not to allow an opportunity like this pass.

She went on to say that "Howard" called her around 5:00 am and told her not to ask the White House for any help, or make any statements until she heard back from him. Then "Dick" (Durbin ?) called her an hour or two later and told her to use the excuse of the Guard being at war.

Hoping Brownback would understand, she apparently went on to say that he had to understand that with everyone feeling the heat about the war, they needed to get press on something else. She said she didn't think it was right to use it like this, but she didn't feel she had much of a choice with current climate.

She also promised that she'd try to move away from the comment when she and Brownback were to meet up later and tour the damage.

This certainly sheds a lot of light on Katrina -- and confirms the suspicions that many of us had at that time. Katrina was engineered in much the same way.

If they are going to read from the same script every time something like this happens, the least they could do is mix it up a little. The are just so darn predictable. They will do anything for political gain.

Brownback should show some spine and tell the American People and the Administration the truth. Where is his sense of decency -- where is his loyalty to his party? Quinn and I were on Sean Hannity's radio program this afternoon. Sean had invited Senator Brownback to respond. So far, we haven't heard anything from him.

Let me ask this of Senator Brownback; What in the world would you have to lose if you were to be honest about the phone call from the Kansas Governor? Or, perhaps this is the better question; What do you have to gain by protecting Sebelious? Do you honestly think she would be there for you down the road? Do you think she gives a rat's ass about your bid for the Presidency? These aren't people you can count on -- when will we learn this?

Senator Brownback is not exactly the Paul Bunyan of Politics -- but he could be. He has an opportunity to do what no politician has done before him -- tell the truth.

on May 15, 2007
How do you explain away the fact that the Governor did ask for help and express concern about the readiness of the Guard multiple times?

– Dec. 30, 2005: Sebelius writes to Rumsfeld requesting new equipment. “The Guard was critical to responding to recent blizzards and floods in Kansas, yet its ability to respond to similar situations is being diminished by a lack of equipment,” wrote Sebelius. Included with her letter was a list of equipment Kansas had lost to the Iraq war. [Kansas City Star, 1/21/06; Topeka Capital-Journal, 6/29/06]

– Jan. 23, 2006: Sebelius personally urges Bush to increase National Guard funding. In an one-hour motorcade ride in Kansas with Bush, Sebelius expressed concern about “a reduction of National Guard troop strength in its next budget.” Bush assured her he was “dealing” with the shortages. [Topeka Capital-Journal, 1/24/06; Kansas City Star, 3/11/06]

– June 28, 2006: Sebelius sends Army Secretary list of equipment lost in war. In a meeting with Army Secretary Francis J. Harvey, Sebelius told Harvey that the state had lost about $140 million in National Guard equipment to the Iraq war. Her office then sent him a list of the lost equipment. [Topeka Capital-Journal, 6/29/06]

– Sept. 2006: Sebelius lobbies for replacement of National Guard equipment sent to Iraq. “Kansas’ congressional delegation, Sebelius and governors from around the country have been lobbying the Pentagon for increased funding to replace National Guard equipment that has been left in Iraq or damaged beyond repair after repeated use in war.” [AP, 9/5/06]

– Feb. 27, 2007: Sebelius pushes White House and Congress for more funding. “Now the Guard needs Washington’s help,” Sebelius said in press conference on Capitol Hill. “The President and Congress need to step up to the plate and give our Guard members the support they deserve.” [Press Release, 2/27/07]

WWW Link

BTW, there is no way that Brownback would not jump at the chance to expose this if the conversation actually did happen.
on May 15, 2007
Just another example of no think for themselves Democrats being led around by their noses by the lunitic fringe.
on May 16, 2007
How do you explain away the fact that the Governor did ask for help and express concern about the readiness of the Guard multiple times?

didn't ask for help with the tornado damage

and instead of doing the right thing went along with the party line
on May 16, 2007
didn't ask for help with the tornado damage

He seems to have missed that point.
on May 16, 2007
He seems to have missed that point.

he is looking at the world with democrat glasses on
on May 16, 2007
Check the National Guard website, I was told that there are 88k troops in the area ready to be called up to help if help was asked for. It does not matter if the conversation was true or not the facts are that she did not ask for help putting her people at risk either by political design or incompetence. One is criminal the other seems to be normal for the party.
on May 16, 2007
On the show this morning, Quinn said that the cease and desist threats had stopped, so he's taking that as proof that the story is true.

Maybe they're pulling back and trying to minimize the possible damage, I don't know. Keeping it under the radar as much as possible? Not making a big fuss so it'll go quietly away?
As to why Brownback hasn't come forward---I dunno; maybe he's got skeletons of his own he's hiding? Or, maybe he's just trying to avoid a big scuffle in the Capitol. If it really is true, though, and they did the same thing with Katrina, as they likely did, this richly deserves to be shown daylight. Limbaugh needs to take it and run.

Davad: If the Feds weren't forthcoming with equipment, KS was also able to purchase equipment from other states. That's always an option. Happens all the time.
It has been acknowledged by the relief workers, though, interviewed that day, that there were too many Nat'l Guard boots on the ground already, and in a timely manner. There simply wasn't enough for them all to do. Someone on the show even mentioned the possibility that the Guard was already there when she was making the scripted comments.
Only something like 300 KS Nat'l Guardsmen were/are away on active duty.
Her statements have been clearly disproven, and even she retracted them later, mumbling something about having "meant that if there had been two tornados". Yet, Harry Reid stuck to the script, as did Durbin, I believe it was.
Gimme a break....your party of sociopathic liars and manipulators has finally been caught in the slime they haughtily accuse us of wallowing in, and is hoping We, the People won't notice. Don't worry, though....your MSM is on the case; the wagons are circled to protect them from whatever justice might present a threat. It'll be properly ignored and/or explained away, just like the Democrats on the Abramoff payroll. You notice that went away quietly, too, after Dems got mentioned.

Kanasas tornado victims used as a political weapon; 12 people dead, a town blown off the map, and where's the first place the Dems collective mind goes to? "How can we use this to hurt Bush?" Does it get any lower than that (Well, yes...40 years and trillions of dollars spent in the "War on Poverty", getting--and keeping--poor people dependent on government handouts, and in an ongoing cycle of near-poverty, just to extort votes from them. But this is close)?
It's just so sad; here are the oh-so-compassionate Democrats, who make their dime on being so concerned for the wellbeing of the People, and their leader goes and tells the Governor in a disaster area to sit on her hands and not ask for help until they can decide what to do; how to use it for maximum political impact. Despicable.
I don't know if any politician goes to Heaven but as a man who believes in a just God who punishes the deserving, I hope there's a special, really hot, pit of Hell reserved for people like this.
My wife isn't political at all, and even she was amazed when I told her this story.

Keep defending them, Davad....such low people so deserve it.