A place for me to pour out my rants without clogging the inboxes of my friends and family. Also a place to give info on myself and Mary, our family news and events.
It only takes a minute
Published on February 20, 2007 By Rightwinger In US Domestic
I recently got a phone call from a good friend, Jessie Hawken. Her husband, Brent, is in the Army. Brent and Jessie both are from Follansbee, WV, just south of Weirton, but now live in Washington State, where Brent is stationed at Fort Lewis. Brent is soon to be shipped out to Afghanistan, where his unit will be deployed for a year.
Goody bags and care packages, assembled by the wives and families of his unit’s Family Readiness Group, will be sent out to the members of the unit throughout the next year of their deployment, at least.

Jessie has asked me to help her with a special mission; she wants to include, in each package/bag that goes out, a small, handwritten note---three to five sentences is all that is needed, addressed to "Soldier"---from anyone who cares to send one, or preferably more, for use.
Just something little; anything inspirational or morale-boosting....a thank you note or card, a word of support, maybe a Bible verse..…whatever support you feel you'd like to send. All material received will of course be reviewed before packing, for appropriate content.
Veterans are encouraged to include in the signature their last level of rank, years of service and/or Theater of Operations, if applicable.

Brent is a good friend of mine, and I'd really like to help out him and his buddies. This is something we can all do for the guys that we'll know it's going right to where it's needed, and is supposed to go. Please take a few minutes and do this. Send as many as you’d want, as often as you'd want. They'll be there for a year, at least.
Ask all your friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers; appeal to your area schools, social groups and churches. Send, send and send some more. If enough are received, they may be spread out through the entire battalion.
Please let’s do this. The men and women of our armed forces deserve our unwavering support and admiration.
There are many in this country, it is true, who would oppose them and this war; however, this isn’t about supporting the war or not. It’s about supporting the people who have no choice but to support it, because they’re in it.
Let’s show them how many of us there really are out here in their nation who, in fact, champion them.

The address is:

Notes for the Troops
Jessica Hawken
P.O. Box 33859
Fort Lewis, WA 98433

Thank you.---Rob (Rightwinger)

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