A place for me to pour out my rants without clogging the inboxes of my friends and family. Also a place to give info on myself and Mary, our family news and events.
From a comment I left On Champas Socialist's thread
Published on September 20, 2006 By Rightwinger In International
There’s a trend I’ve noticed among many of the people on the Far Left, especially those who claim to be Socialists or Communists, that I think bears noting here.

I love how the Lefties and Far Lefties are seemingly without a clue (or perhaps they just don’t want to admit it), as to why Communism's cradle collapsed like the fragile house of cards it was, in the face of real, pro-active, honest Capitalist opposition.
The fact that it took the most conservative US president in over a century to finally recognize their weaknesses and put a pin to their castle of balloons must ache especially badly.

Left with a vacuum and no way to explain its existence other than to admit the absolute failure of their faith, they, for some time, had nothing really to say. No way to return the jabs and prods of their opponents.
So, in the past 15 years, they slowly, eventually, changed tack. The rhetoric changed completely.

Nowadays, Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro.....the very same people the Liberal Left held on giant, ornate golden pedestals all through the 20th century, from the 20s and 30s on up to the fall of the USSR in '91 (thank you Ronald Reagan---oh, and more on that in a second), were suddenly no longer Socialists OR Communists.
At least, not REAL Socialists or Communists.
No, they were just pretenders, see, aaaaannnd.....since they weren't true to the faaaaaaiiiiith.....weeeeeelllll.....(toss in an "I dunno" shrug, shake the head sadly ) things just didn't work out as they should.


If they haaaaa-aaaad......... Yeah. Okay.

Their political forebears spent decades---knowing EXACTLY what and who these men were---worshipping them and their misguided vision. Holding them up as paragons of Socialist ideals.
Now, though, since Socialism/Communism has pretty much bottomed out (and don't try that old, stale "what about China" gag; Mao wouldn't recognize modern China, and would hate much of what they'd done in the way of necessary reforms. But no fear....his mark is still visible in the repression and brutality of their regime) they weren’t REALLY Socialists/Communists at all. Geez, but that explains EVERYTHING!

They sure seemed like Communists, though.....they took money from people who earned it and gave it to people who didn't.
Mainly themselves, yes (Castro's personal fortune is estimated at somewhere around half a billion dollars American, and that, in one of the most egregiously poverty-stricken Third World countries---Communism did wonders there!), but the principle remains the very same.
Along the way, they (and just about anyone else who ever took power as a Commie or Socie) also became murderous tyrants and homicidal dictators, their governments becoming repressive and suspicious to the point of paranoia.
Every one of them. And Communism's appeal and inner workings had nothing to do with it. Right. Yeah, okay.

You know, if the argument now goes that they weren’t really TRUE Communists at all, that they strayed from the faith and lost their ideals, doing things they shouldn’t have done, then I have to wonder if the Left would be willing to use that argument in other places.
What say we save the Catholic Church some stress and harassment, shall we? Could we please use that argument in the case of the Pedophile Priest scandals?
I mean….hey….well, y’know….they strayed from the faith…..lost their ideals. Did things they shouldn’t have done. Therefore, they weren’t REAL priests at all, right? Right? Right? Therefore, the Church isn’t at fault at all and it still works fine, just the same as it always did.

Would that work for anyone?

And another thing:
They also like to say that Ronald Reagan had nothing to do with the collapse of Soviet Communism. It was all due to the bungling/evil/pathetic machinations of Mikhail Gorbachev. Or something.

Yeah. Okay.

All those missles Reagan ordered up and had placed in Europe (bankrupting the Soviet economy because it couldn't take the strain of a serious military competition while supporting every other Commie state on the continent at the same time) had absolutely nothing to do with it.

That's the new party line, folks.

Yeah, okay.

on Sep 20, 2006
Hmmmm...and this has to deal with Personal Computing...how? I believe this would be more suitable for JoeUser.
on Sep 20, 2006
Maybe it's not about the Lefties.....or the Righties.....What if the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about  
on Sep 20, 2006
Maybe it's not about the Lefties.....or the Righties.....What if the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about

on Sep 20, 2006
on Sep 20, 2006
There must be some way to filter this stuff. As for the post itself, people actually waste their time thinking about and then writing about all that garbage? Hell, go watch a half hour sitcom, it's more enjoyable and just as worthless as this post.
on Sep 20, 2006
This is a cross-over post from JoeUser. I believe the web guys are looking into ways of limiting these.
on Sep 20, 2006
There doesn't seem to be any really effective way of making sure an article ends up in the right category on JU - sometimes the article form decides PC is just the place it should be and damn the consequences. The user doesn't always get a say.
on Sep 20, 2006
This is the second time Rightwinger 'accidently' posted his blog in Personal Computing. The first time I got into a good argument with him, but kind of lost interest.
on Sep 20, 2006
Those liberals who love Castro don't make sense... They scream against oppression in the world, yet cheer as Castro kills his people...

Great Hero folks!

Until I see people hop on doors and other make shift rafts headed TO Cuba, I'll just consider anyone who cheers on Castro either naive or just willing to look up to any murderer as long as he is willing to trash the U.S.
on Sep 20, 2006

There must be a war somewhere....again truth is its first casualty...

Reagan couldn't do anything right or well...Altzheimer's kicked in well before it was decided a B-Grade actor would suit as Prez....

I'll see about relocating this oddball monologue where it's better suited....

on Sep 20, 2006
Certainly not "Personal Computing"....
on Sep 21, 2006
Once again, sorry for the cross-post.

When I wrote it, the forum I was in was "Politics". But, the forum that first came up when I clicked on "Create Post" said "Personal Computing".
The forum I then chose from the drop down said "Politics", and that's the one I picked. And so, that's the one that was in the field when I submitted it.

Why this keeps happening, I don't know.

Maybe it's because the Great Cosmos wants to show all you computer geeks and nerds that there's a REAL world outside cyberspace where REAL people exist and where REAL things happen.
Maybe you need it; you sure seem to get all pissy and offended if anything else penetrates your little bubble, accidentally or otherwise. Geez.

Move out of your mom and dad's basement. Go kiss a girl/guy or something. LIVE! LIVE!

There doesn't seem to be any really effective way of making sure an article ends up in the right category on JU - sometimes the article form decides PC is just the place it should be and damn the consequences. The user doesn't always get a say.

This is the second time for me. I don't know what's going on.

This is the second time Rightwinger 'accidently' posted his blog in Personal Computing. The first time I got into a good argument with him, but kind of lost interest.

Yeah, me too. For my part, I just didn't have time to answer everything in your post. I work too much. Sorry.

Those liberals who love Castro don't make sense... They scream against oppression in the world, yet cheer as Castro kills his people...
Great Hero folks!
Until I see people hop on doors and other make shift rafts headed TO Cuba, I'll just consider anyone who cheers on Castro either naive or just willing to look up to any murderer as long as he is willing to trash the U.S.

I agree (of course). And I note that no one here actually wants to debate the point, only to shoot it down without an argument. Thanks for posting.

There must be a war somewhere....again truth is its first casualty...
Reagan couldn't do anything right or well...Altzheimer's kicked in well before it was decided a B-Grade actor would suit as Prez....

Let's keep kickin' in the rhetoric.

Yes, there is a war somewhere, but the Lefties keep on keepin' on with their propping up of a dead philosophy, and will probably be doing so until the Islamists come in, slam turbans on their heads and tell them at gunpoint that they can't.
Unless they give it up, admit their failure, join with the real world and stop undermining our efforts against Islamo-Fascism (which they do out of pure spite and frustration), this is quite probably what will happen to them.