A place for me to pour out my rants without clogging the inboxes of my friends and family. Also a place to give info on myself and Mary, our family news and events.
.....Oooops......we can't.
Published on September 19, 2006 By Rightwinger In Politics
On Sept. 15, Six Flags Great Adventure theme park in NJ held the "Great Muslim Adventure Day" (see link). 15,000 or more were expected to attend. Sadly, the event was rained out.
Well, I'm sure lots of people of all walks of life were disappointed that day, having been so looking forward to a fun day enjoying Six Flags amusement facilities, right? I mean, many groups get a special day of lower rates and/or special treatment among the crowds at such parks. Right?
Wrong. The entire park was closed to non-Muslims; Christian? Sorry, can't be done. Buddhist? Tough luck. Scientologist? Uh-uh, no matter how many couches you jump on.

It was nothing but Muslims worshipping Allah, hearing speeches from Islamic leaders, eating properly prepared foods and riding whatever few rides their religion probably wouldn't find offensive (gee....I sure hope there were no pigs in the menagerie on the Merry-Go-Round).

Now, can someone please tell me how this is fair? How this is right? Isn't this a little exclusionary and discriminatory? I'd be curious to know what would happen if someone called and asked them to hold a Christian Adventure Day. Or better yet, a WHITE Christian Adventure Day. Wonder how far you'd get with that one?
And not to completely politicize this, but how about the fact that its Muslims who we're fighting now, and who want to kill us? Why do we give them preferential treatment?
Well, I guess it's okay; after all, Muslims ARE a minoritry, right? And we all know that minorities hold the most weight in the our culture today, especially "oppressed" minorities. Like Muslims.
You know, 60 years ago, we took the hysterical step of throwing Japanese Americans into concentration camps in the desert. Today, we invite the enemy to have fun at our amusement parks.
My, how far we've fallen. Or at least our collective IQ, anyway

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