So there's this black guy......
A nigger is taking a vacation in China, and takes a walk out beside this large pond. There, on the shore, is an old Chinaman, skipping stones deftly across the surface. As the stone skims over the waves, it makes an odd sound:
The old man takes another stone and, as the nigger stands watching, skims it across the surface of the waters. Again the odd sound is heard, but somewhat differently this time.
Curious, the black guy walks up and speaks to the old man.
"’Scuze me, sir," he says, "but I was wonderin’ just what you’s doin’ here."
The old man turns to him with inscrutable eyes. "These," he begins, reverently, "are sacred waters…..when you cast a stone…." He motioned out over the water, "…across the surface, the sound it makes with tell you…..the names of your sacred ancestors. Observe." Again, he skims a flat stone across the pond, and the odd sound is heard.
The nigger looks skeptical, but is even more curious.
"Now, lemme get this straight;" he says. "I throw a rock across the water, and it’ll tell me the name of my grandpappy?"
"That is correct," the old man replies.
"Step aside, son," the nigger says, picking up a perfectly flat stone. "I always wondered who my daddy really is."
With that, he rears back and throws the stone with all his might. It smacks the water with a resounding