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College lefties doing their best to bar conservative speakers from ceremonies
Published on May 20, 2006 By Rightwinger In Politics
Graduation season rolls around once more, and the hunt goes out for significant, influential names to fill the cards as inspirational speakers.

According to Bill O’Reilley’s article last week, the liberal Left has been honored time and again, with (accepted) invitations for Hillary to speak the Truths As She Knows Them at Adelphi University, while Chuck Schumer’s hateful venting will doubtlessly motivate and inspire the fiery youth at Buffalo State. Barbara Boxer will spout her rhetoric at Mills College, and the irredeemably liberal, politically and socially ever-important, eternally relevant actor Mike Farrell will bring his 70s "sensitive guy" schtick to the podium at Utica College.

On the Right, however, the pickins, as they say, have been a little slim. Academic freedom and open discourse, it seems, does not extend in that direction. It seems that conservative and Right wing speakers, shockingly, rarely are invited to speak at our nation’s institutes of loftier education. In fact, going and getting a wild hair and inviting a conservative speaker can even get you in hot water with the staff and students.

Witness recent events at the New School, a college in NYC:

Bob Kerry, a former Democrat Senator and now president of the school, invited John McCain to speak at the commencement ceremonies.
It seems a number of students and faculty members are up in arms over this choice of speaker, and are insisting that McCain’s invite be revoked. Why? Their words:

"Senator McCain’s voting record and public pronouncements are starkly at odds with the progressive social values for which this university once stood, and which we want to see upheld."

So, if you’re not a liberal, stay out. No conservatives allowed. Isn’t it great that Liberalism and its twin dogmas of Diversity and Tolerance have made our schools such bastions of free thought and discussion? What pillars of our society’s intellectual and social virtue! Gosh! The mind boggles.

John McCain, besides being a war hero, is a successful senator admired (usually) for his integrity and straight talk, and, possibly, is a strong contender for the Oval Office in 2008. If that’s not an interesting, inspirational and motivating speaker, I have trouble imagining who is.
But, nonetheless, many of the loony, loopy Lefties at the New School don’t want his kind mingling with their kind. What is the New School, anyway---a lunch counter in Selma, Alabama in, oh, 1950?
But McCain isn’t the only target. At the normally common-sensical Boston College, 150 faculty members have signed a letter objecting to the college awarding an honorary degree to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

O’Reilley’s words:

~~"Isn’t it interesting how close many far-left individuals come to embracing fascism? The hallmark of totalitarian right-wing regimes is to stifle all opposing points-of-view. No dissent is permitted.
But the far Left is the same way, and all their talk of diversity and freedom of expression is just so much BS at BC. Stifling opposing points-of-view at any American college is simply unacceptable.
For the record, both Condoleezza Rice and John McCain are great Americans who are trying to make their country a better place. You may disagree with their policies and opinions, but their dedication is unassailable. The fanatics at Boston College and the New School have embarrassed their institutions. Ignorance is not supposed to be part of the University experience. Those schools and many others surely need to wise up."~~

Couldn’t have said it better myself, so I didn’t even try.

As an aside, since we’re discussing liberals infesting and dominating our academic institutions, has anyone ever noticed that no conservative is ever lauded for his/her intellectual prowess or pursuits? No matter the person’s record of writings, academic achievements and/or programs of study, debating skills and speaking ability…..all conservatives are seen as drooling idiots, especially as portrayed by the liberal media.
Liberals, on other hand are often heaped with praise for their awesome brainpower and dazzling brilliance. One example that leaps to mind:

When Ronald Reagan won the Republican nomination in 1980, the Carter White House staff was overjoyed; it was considered that the old guy just wasn’t clever enough to win the election against the massive brain of the intellectual Carter.

Then came the Crushing Landslide of November 1980, and, of course, the eventual fall of Communism.

Who was smarter? Jimmy the Peanut Farmer who got pushed all over place by the Russkies, or Ronnie the Retired Actor, who brought them down?

Just an aside.

on May 21, 2006
I think the best thing for these classes is to do as they wish and ignore them. Let them live in their little fantasy world with their angst and self-righteousness, and let the world go on spinning around them. They don't deserve decent speakers at their graduation, frankly, because people of intellectual merit appreciate listening to more than just what they agree with.

They are the equivalent of the bobbleheads on the Right that refuse to listen to anything but THEIR own propaganda. Both ends of the spectrum are irrelavant, imho, and just cancel each other out politically. The real world goes on, oblivious, while they mutter to themselves.
on May 21, 2006
There are few things more entertaining than watching "enlightened" people talk about freedom of expression. ;~D
on May 21, 2006
The irony is their very exclusiveness will be their downfall as well. For living in their protective hive, they do not learn basic social skills and so fail miserably when faced with debate.