This has happened before.
I listen Rush Limbaugh quite a bit, and he's always talking about how the democrats and liberals are imploding and failing and will soon collapse altogether under the weight of their own arrogance, ineptitude and lack of understanding.
Though I pray for the day when this prophesy comes true, I have to be the one to warn Rush and other people like JU's own Modman, who like to site examples of democrat implosion as well.
We've seen this before, folks....but it wasn't us, it was THEM!
Remember back in the 70s? A little thing called Watergate? How about the Vietnam War? Nixon's disgrace and resignation and the PR disaster of the fall of Saigon on Ford's watch? This led many liberals and Dems to feel that they had seen the last of Conservativism and the Republicans as a power....that we were in the coffin, and that they had slammed home the last nail and patted in place the last piece of sod when Carter slithered into office in 1976. The Year of the Bi-Centennial, for God's sake! What a slap in the face to the "patriotic" Republican conservatives. They smiled happily and thought they had it aaaall sewn up for good and all.
Then though, a curious thing happened....the Republicans found a champion that rallied them and called them to arms for the 1980 election....hell, he even turned some of the more moderate Democrats! Ronald Reagan revived our party and brought us back, ensuring 12 years of Republican rule, and the virtual hibernation of liberalism until 1992.
The Dems found themselves a champion then, too....a roguishly handsome yet mightily flawed champion with fatal charm and wit, to be sure, but a champion. They came back, folks....strong. Yes, we're beating them now, and they do seem to be tired, weak and staggering in the ring and unable to hold up their gloves, hoping for the bell; but all it could take is one lucky, good punch and we'd be back on the defensive. We need to keep our guard up and keep moving, ducking swinging, or else they could land that punch. It ain't over till it's over.