A place for me to pour out my rants without clogging the inboxes of my friends and family. Also a place to give info on myself and Mary, our family news and events.
Jay Bennish, a geography teacher in Aurora, Colorado, is seemingly fond of force-feeding liberal rhetoric and political propaganda to his captive audience of impressionable young minds.
So fond, in fact, that a student decided to record one of his tirades.
The recording was played for school officials and Bennish was placed on suspension (with pay). Seems he is now suing the school. Sounds like a true liberal to me. For a picture of this whacko leftie, please see the link.

Diatribe on Bush taped; teacher placed on leave
By Valerie Richardson
March 3, 2006

AURORA, Colo. -- By many accounts, teacher Jay Bennish was notorious for veering off topic to blast President Bush, capitalism and U.S. foreign policy during his social-studies classes here at Overland High School.
Then Sean Allen got an MP3 player for Christmas.
This week, Mr. Bennish was placed on administrative leave pending a school-district investigation after 16-year-old Sean recorded a lecture during his sophomore geography class in which the teacher compared Mr. Bush to Adolf Hitler.
During the 20-minute recording, Mr. Bennish said there were "eerie similarities" between "things that Adolf Hitler used to say" and Mr. Bush's statements during his Jan. 31 State of the Union address.
Mr. Bennish also said that capitalism was "at odds with human rights," and that the United States was "probably the most violent nation on planet Earth."
Jeff Allen, Sean's father, said his son would often complain about his teacher's left-wing rants, but Mr. Allen assumed he was exaggerating -- until he heard Mr. Bennish on the recording.
"I had no idea he was this nuts," said Mr. Allen.
The Cherry Creek School District is conducting a "thorough investigation" into the matter, but in a statement released Wednesday, officials said "it seems evident that a breach of district policy occurred regarding the balanced presentation of sensitive material."
District policy allows teachers to offer their views on issues, within certain parameters, said district spokeswoman Tustin Amole.
"We encourage teachers to express their opinions, but they must be in the context of the class they are teaching and they have to provide both sides," she said.
She added that students are permitted to bring recording devices to class, and that Sean will not face disciplinary action for recording the lecture.
Mr. Bennish was placed on paid leave in part to shield him from the public outcry over the issue, she said. Sean has discussed the matter publicly on two popular Denver radio talk-show programs.

The following transcript was taken from Rush Limbaugh's site.

Idiot Teacher Justifies 9/11 Attacks

March 3, 2006


RUSH: All right, I want to go to the audio sound bites. Two things. We've got more from this long-haired, maggot-infested FM type teacher, Jay Bennish, out in Aurora, Colorado. We have four more bites. I'm going to try to limit my commentary because they speak for themselves. Here's the first of the four.

BENNISH: Now, if we have the right to fly into Bolivia and Peru and drop chemical weapons on top of farmers' fields because we're afraid they might be growing cocoa and that could be turned into cocaine and sold to us, well, then don't the Peruvians and the Iranians and the Chinese have the right to invade America and drop chemical weapons over North Carolina to destroy the tobacco plants that are killing millions and millions of people in their countries every year and causing them billions of dollars in health care costs?

RUSH: This is a guy teaching geography, human geography in Aurora, Colorado. Here's the next bite.

BENNISH: Where in this definition does it say anything about capitalism is an economic system that will provide everybody in the world with the basic needs that they need? Is that part of the system? Do you see how this economic system is at odds with humanity, at odds with caring and compassion, it's at odds with human rights?

RUSH: What have I told you? These people don't like capitalism because they think it chooses winners and chooses losers, and they think the winners choose themselves, purposely leave the losers out, everything is unfair and unjust, and the more I hear of this guy... I mean, we've had callers. We've had liberal callers that are smarter than this guy, but he's just a cliché. He's so stereotypical. Here's the next one.

BENNISH: Now, do we really want to kill innocent people? I don't know. I don't know the answer to that. I know that there are some Americans who do, people who work in the CIA, people who have to think like that, those kind of dirty minds, dirty tricks, that's how the intelligence world works. Sometimes you do want to kill people just for the sake of killing them.

RUSH: (Laughing.) And the next one.

BENNISH: When Al-Qaeda attacked America on September 11th, in their view they're not attacking innocent people, okay? The CIA has an office in the World Trade Center. Pentagon is a military target. The White House was a military target. Congress is a military target.

RUSH: This guy is justifying the attacks of 9/11 now because the White House and Congress are military targets. CIA has an office there, means it's a military target. I tell you, focusing on this guy's comment that Bush equals Hitler is to miss the point of who this guy is and what he's teaching. We've got one more, and here it is.

BENNISH: To many Americans, that flag is no different than the Nazi flag or the Confederate flag it. It represents people that came and stole their land, lied, brought disease, rape, pillage, destruction, et cetera.

RUSH: This guy, has he become an adult yet? Do you hear his voice? This guy sounds like he's a paper boy still doing his route. My gosh, folks. This is just... totally believable. American flag no different than the Nazi flag, Congress is a military target, White House is a military target, World Trade Center was a military target. CIA has an office there! All of this is our fault. We deserve this. We deserve all of this because of what we have been doing around the world. That's what this guy's thrust is.


Now, this joker is there, and is paid by the taxpayers, to teach their kids geography, not to propagandize for the liberal Left. Tell'em about the states and countries and save your flaky, opinionated rants for Open Mike night at the Funny Bone.
Adminstrative suspension is better than he should have gotten, in my humble opinion.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Mar 05, 2006
I tell you....the more I hear about this guy, the more overpowering becomes the urge to grab him and give him a bad case of Shaken Baby Syndrome.

Now he's scrambling to backpedal, claiming that he doesn't understand all the fuss, and that he "like, never said Bush and Hitler were that like, similar, okay?"
Like, okay. (RW rolls his eyes and makes "L" sign on his forehead)

I just don't understand this mentality, people. How can someone who lives in a country such as this, where freedom and plenty go hand in hand, so hate, and feel the need to badmouth, everything about it? Those who do understand, please help those of us blind, naive fools who do not. (Bahu V., you're up)

If these were less "enlightened" and less tolerant times, the good Mr. Bennish would likely have found himself charged with treason for his words (way back when, they had a much less clouded view of such things). Tried at the mercy of a perhaps unsympathetic court, he would just as likely have ended up with rope burns at the end of a short drop with a sudden stop. Thank God, then, for our "enlightenment" and tolerance, right?

I don't have a problem with his having his own opinion. That's all him; whatever serves to get him through the night.
It IS his right, even with the germinating repression of that pesky, progressively oppressive Patriot Act hanging over our heads.
What I dislike is his attempted recruiting for his side via the brainwashing of his students.
If you're going to discuss topics of controversy, have the decency to present, or even to invite, opposing views. Seemingly, he did neither. He solo'd the whole way, haranguing his students with his anti-Americanist, anti-capitalist and Bush-Bashing rants.
Know what that is, folks? That's tyranny. That's, like, (GASP!) Fascism of the Left!

on Mar 05, 2006
I think he's more than taking advantage of his freedom. He's despising it by disrespecting it. I'd love to offer him a one way ticket out of here. The stipulation? Never come back.

I am actually very proud of the fact that we got a young HS teacher fired about 4 years ago for teaching improperly to our kids. My son had absolutely no English learning that year.

He was telling the kids not to listen to their parents and as soon as they could to get away from them. He dropped the F-bomb regularly and gave them college level reading material which included pornograpy. I was livid to say the least. We copied his material and marched into the school board. Nothing was done right away tho. All was hush hush and the school defended his actions but not convincingly. He was gone by the next semester without telling the parents a thing.

I'm afraid this is going on more than we know. I'm just glad my kids are out of the government schools. I'd homeschool if I had to do over.
on Mar 05, 2006
What an asshat (I just love that word)
on Mar 07, 2006
Jay Bennish Update:

Seems the good Mr. Bennish (who, I understand, has cut his hair) was on the "Today Show" this morning (sadly, I missed his debut, I was at work), verbally tossing a Nerf Ball with Matt (Lefty) Lauer.
Seems "Today", in an unexpected, uncharacteristic and totally uncalled-for act of fairness and non-bias, wanted to get both Bennish AND Sean Allen, the student who recorded him, to come on together.
Weeeeeeeell now, Mr. Bennish firmly stipulated that he would NOT come on if Allen were present as well.
So, in the interest of Liberal Bias, they gave Bennish the spotlight, rather than the more interesting story of a student who stood up against his teacher in the interest of moral and political beliefs.

I also heard that Sean Hannity tried to book him, but was rebuffed. Shocking.

It's obvious what his reasons for denying Hannity were; he can't dispute any intelligent opposing views, and would probably come off looking like a fool if he tried.
Anything more than a classroom of impressionable and, best of all, less-than knowledgeable teenagers who haven't got the authority to stand up and say boo, is the best he can hold out against. So, he takes sympathetic forums like Today. I can see why no lefties have come out to stand firmly behind him; he's definitely not one of their best and brightest, and is a disgrace to their side, even if he is typical of it.

He was telling the kids not to listen to their parents and as soon as they could to get away from them. He dropped the F-bomb regularly and gave them college level reading material which included pornograpy. I was livid to say the least. We copied his material and marched into the school board. Nothing was done right away tho. All was hush hush and the school defended his actions but not convincingly. He was gone by the next semester without telling the parents a thing.

WHAT? If that jerkoff ever teaches again, it's a sad thing for the nation. People like him don't deserve their licenses. Good for you guys.

What an asshat (I just love that word)

+LOL+ Me, too. I use it every chance I get.
on Mar 07, 2006
Any teachers that are voicing an obvious agenda be it right or left needs to be fired. These are young minds here and what bennish does is tantamount to brainwashing.
on Mar 07, 2006
Jay Bennish Update:

Thanks for the update. I told MM that I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Apparenntly I just underestimated his stupidity. Appologies to Moderateman.
on Mar 07, 2006
So I wonder how the thief Jay Bennish would respond to charges against him for sexually molesting a student? I wonder if he would except that as merely the students and faculty enjoying their "freedom of speech".

Jay Bennish is an insult to teaching and a terrorist sympathizer who has absolutely no businss within 1,000 yards of a school.
on Mar 07, 2006
Any teachers that are voicing an obvious agenda be it right or left needs to be fired. These are young minds here and what bennish does is tantamount to brainwashing.

I agree completely...he's entitled to his opinion, and if he wants to invite someone to debate him, who can debate intelligently and from a strong position, more power. But something tells me he's not interested in that.

Thanks for the update. I told MM that I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Apparenntly I just underestimated his stupidity. Appologies to Moderateman.

You're welcome; glad to do it. It's usually to good give the benfit of the doubt, but not in this case. He doesn't deserve it.
PT2K hit it on the head with his comment.
on Mar 07, 2006
I saw Bennish on the Today show and he said what he was doing was trying to teach the kids to think critically. Now I kind of think this is important myself. If your religion, for example, can't stand a little blasphemy then perchance your faith isn't what you thought it was- it should be strong enough to deal with a little freedom of expression ya know?

I gotta say after watching the Today show interview I thought this guy was on to something. I want my kids to think for themselves and think critically. ANd to do so, sometime you gotta hear some things you don't necessarily like.

I'd rather have a Mr. Bennish that a tow-the-line conformist that just regurgitates what everybody wants to hear. I like people like that. Of course people like that always get in trouble too. Just ask Jesus...
on Mar 07, 2006
9 by Shovelhead
Tuesday, March 07, 2006

I want my kids to think for themselves and think critically

that is perfect if the ground is a level playing field, but in this case it is not, there is no debate, there is a teacher voicing his opinion with no dissent allowed.
on Mar 07, 2006
I gotta say after watching the Today show interview I thought this guy was on to something. I want my kids to think for themselves and think critically. ANd to do so, sometime you gotta hear some things you don't necessarily like.

I'd rather have a Mr. Bennish that a tow-the-line conformist that just regurgitates what everybody wants to hear. I like people like that. Of course people like that always get in trouble too. Just ask Jesus...

A 20 minute rant, and just one of so many that one of your students decided to record it, isn't simply getting kids to think critically. That's attempted indoctrination.

There's nothing wrong with voicing opinions, especially in school. Critical thought is necessary to any democracy. When it's only one voice, one side, they're hearing, though; that's where the problem comes in.
He was just spouting off with his rhetoric---and, if you hear the tape, some of which has been making the rounds of talk radio, you hear that that's all it is, rhetoric---trying to win their hearts and minds without bothering to offer solid, opposing views from a reliable and knowledgeable source.
This, I feel, is because he knew solid, knowledgeable opposition would have squashed his flaky rhetoric-as-opinions like a handicapped bug, and likely make him look like an idiot in the process. In front of his students. Anyone can look smart if they have no one to say nay.
Why else would he have refused to appear with Sean Hannity? After all, Jesus freely debated with the Pharisees and the Sanhedrin.
on Mar 07, 2006
A 20 minute rant, and just one of so many that one of your students decided to record it, isn't simply getting kids to think critically. That's attempted indoctrination.

But I have to ask: Apparently one child wasn't impressionable to indoctrination- he did have the presence of mind to tape it and present it to various conservative media. Maybe the teacher did his job- he got across to one student to think for himself.
-just a thought, I'll shut up now...
on Mar 07, 2006
For the record, Sean Allen has been on Hannity's radio show at least twice now.
on Mar 07, 2006
So now all that has to happen to qualify as "critical thinking" is mindlessly trashing someone in authority?

So I guess, as long as it's "critical thinking" there should be no boundaries?

I still wonder how Jay Bennish would react to rumors of sexually molesting a student. Oh, yeah that's right, it's all "critical thinking". What if there were a few students' names included with that rumor... still "critical thinking?"

I was taught that "critical thinking" was looking at the facts, cutting out the rhetoric and coming to a well reasoned conclusion.

The facts:

Jay Bennish can't stand Prs. Bush.
Jay Bennish rants against Prs. Bush in class.
Jay Bennish doesn't allow for discussion on the topic.

Oh, yeah, I'm sure the students are getting a good example of "critical thinking" here.

I guess in Jay Bennish's world, "critical thinking" has a lot to do with being critical and nothing to do with thinking.
on Mar 07, 2006
You can't teach critical thinking responsibly without teaching respect for other people's views. That wasn't what this guy was doing. He was simply dismissing Bush's views without looking at why people who agree with Bush believe what they do.
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